sweating/RA | Arthritis Information


i have night sweats also.  i sleep with a body pillow between my leg and most night my legs sweat so bad.  i even thought i wet myself there was so much wet.  this coulld be from the meds but i was wondering if this was another symptom. 


also, what about fluid build up in ears.  is that common with ra.  if feel like my ear has fluid in it. 


sorry for all the questions but i'll bet you can understand.  jason

Of coarse we can understand. What medications do you take?

Welcome jayboy...

I've always had bad night sweats...as a teen I would wake up at night screaming from pain in the legs..docs said it was growing pains, now thta I have RA I wonder
I've always slept w/a few pillows..one for my arms/hands and one between my knees...my husband sometimes asks what is this barrier between us


I too have sleep with pillows under my knees. I wake up sweating too but I think my is menopause.

I can remember waking up crying because my legs hurt so bad growing up. My mother, bless her heart would come into my room and rub my legs so I could go to sleep. I would cry and cry they hurt so bad. I have read were that can also be Restless Leg Syndrome. I have been diagnosed with that also. It is where your legs feel like they have the heeby jeebys. They aren't as painful but they do drive you nuts sometimes.


Funny to hear you guys say that. I too had what my doctor referred to as "Growing pains" as a child....does make you wonder doesn't it.

And I can't sleep without at LEAST three pillows in all. Murph....but husband wonders the same thing as yours....luckily for both of us; he's a one pillow man!!

RLS2, my mom used to come running to my room to help me feel better too. [QUOTE=Lovie]

Funny to hear you guys say that. I too had what my doctor referred to as "Growing pains" as a child....does make you wonder doesn't it.

And I can't sleep without at LEAST three pillows in all. Murph....but husband wonders the same thing as yours....luckily for both of us; he's a one pillow man!!


LOL, my husband started using a pillow for his shoulder since he fell out of the tree a year ago. He has a torn rotator cuff .   Ouch. That's hard to sleep with. I feel for him there. It's so hard to get comfortable with a bad shoulder.

wow... to see others talk about the growing pains thing... that sure is familiar! My dad would put damp, hot towels on my knees in the middle of the night when they would wake me up from a young age like 5.  Docs for YEARS said growing pains and I did sports all along.  Makes one wonder... my Rheumy said she wondered if I had JRA before the RA too when she heard that.   My dad alwasy said that too. 

Night sweats... me too... for long time and on many diff meds.  Now on Remicade and Arava, etc.  They are annoying!  What do your docs say about it? 

Jason, my first 12 mos. of RA included lots of night sweats. I would often sleep with a towel next to the bed to wipe off with. It has become much better with med treatment. Good luck.


Growing Pains.  Does that ever sound familiar.  That's all I ever heard since i was 2 years old.  My mother would give me asprins and a heating pad.


boy, your question about the fluid in the ear really struck a note with me.  I've had that for a bout a year in my left ear, it really drove me crazy.  wanted sinus med but can't have with my bp.  and come to think of it, it's been a while since i've had it probably since being dx'd and  starting meds.  and yeah, i've still got a lot of nite sweats.  wonder how many symptoms we don't know we have (lol)I seem to have  heard this before also. Growing Pains! My son is 16, soon to be 17. Since he was about 8-9yrs old , he has complained about his legs hurting. He also sleeps with a body pillow. I Dx'ed RA in Dec 2004. Makes me wonder about my boy and his so called "Growing Pains" ??? I had horrid night sweats on Paxil. When I switched anti -depressants they went away. Now they are back ( menopause?)I've had night sweats for many years also, long before RA.  When I'd wake up soaking wet, I'd just throw off my covers and cool off and then recover myself again.  Now with RA, when I wake up I can only keep the covers off for a few minutes before I start to ache all over.  Ugh!
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