read at your own risk | Arthritis Information


Doctor blogs re:universal healthcare and/or apparently how much they dislike um, patients, insurance, administrators, everything?  I'm serious, if you choose to keep scrolling down and reading, expect to be depressed (wait, they mock that somewhere, too....) or outraged.  Ruined my week basically, but is addicting.
Ya know?  You have to stop posting this stuff - it sends me into a tizzy all day.  LOL

Yeah, I'm following a couple of these geniuses now. 
I have a plan.

What a supercislious, arrogant know-it-all waste of human tissue. I would operate on myself before I let someone like that guy within ten feet of my body (politic!). He comes off like an overprivileged frat-boy. I guess some doctors are only in it for the money and getting to feel superior than everybody else on Earth.

(I also like how he can edit the comments so only those favourable to him show up).

I feel defiled just having read his post.LOL GoGo - want an eyeopener?  Go find his links to Panda - whatsit.
Another SOB MD in training.
I warned you!

I'm not exaggerating when I say it ruined my week.   I've been going back, going through older ones, too.  Some of it, I get, I understand as venting.  Some of it is unreal.  Go-go, there are some comments on threads that disagree that are not deleted, but the language used to disparage those who have a different opinion.....

I admit, some of it makes me laugh.   Definitely a cure for anyone suffering from doctor worship, too.
Don't you have a couple kids? Even one with JRA?

You need to get off the internet and spend time with your family. Get a life.It is and I read it on a regular basis.Time to clip some wings.  That's Anna again.  Gee Birdgirl - if you were doing as well as you say you are, you'd be off here too.
Lynn, do you like it?

Bird Girl,

These are the "gloom and doom" club members. They spend all their time looking for negatives. Nothing makes them wet their panties more than a good negative story so they can proclaim, "See the whole world is corrupt". Where do they live where everything is so negative. Think of the lives they must live. What is thier families that they have such nagativity. According to them the whole world is corrupt and evil. What did their parents do to them? They are wacked out. They are certified bonafide crazies. They are quite a few grey matters short of a full and funtional brain. If they were to examine the top winning horse at churchill, they wouldn't look at the muscles, the strength, the determination in the face and eyes, nope, they'd all be lifting the tail, looking for sh*t. They are whacked. There is something absolutely wrong with them mentally.

According to them, all the doctors, hospitals and medical facillities are all corrupt (and of course the United States). Don't you wonder where they take their loved ones when they are in  need of medical attention? Certainly not to the corrupt medical facillities with the corrupt doctors that would prescribe an un-needed surgery just for a few extra dollars and the same doctors that would prescribe a drug not needed that may cause serious injury or death because the big pharms are paying them to do so, would they? Probably they fly them to Cuba where they can feel safe with the best of medical services.
They look for any negative that they can find against the drugs that we with the disease must take just to be funtional and almost mock us for our decisions to inject the biologics. They are a bunch of nasties, something is wrong with them. Read thier posts, nothing but nagativity, these "gloom and doom" club members, they're wacked, it's that simple.
I am going to post an address to a forum for the "gloom and doom" members and here it is: Gloom and doomers, go and spread some hate.
*basking in the love from the AnnartBeeBeeBirdgrrl-Levlarry Coalition* I guess you guys are celebrating Suzanne's earlier post about Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's antitrust investigation of the Infectious Disease Society of America? Cigars all 'round!I titled this thread "Read at your own risk" for a reason.  And said it ruined my week.  Didn't wet my panties, Mr. Tambourine Man, made me want to vomit.

One GOOD thing that happened this week was when I was at WORK and the musak was playing and I finally figured out what Lev's signature line was from!  "Lev was in the air...."

I go online while my kids are in SCHOOL and luckily lately don't spend nearly as much in doctor's offices.  Or too bad off to attend school.  I have a computer in my KITCHEN.

They are ASLEEP right now and hubby is running.  Later, I will my daughter with JRA to DANCE CLASS.   But before that I will talk with MY MOM for about an hour.

What I have learned online has helped us lead a NORMAL LIFE while dealing with JRA.

I don't mock anyone's med decisions.  And how did that get on this thread?  About creepy dr. blogs?  Do you think I am so stupid as to have ruled out any med for my daughter?  If she started a biologic, I would still post what I post.   You start any med because you need it, but you should always be aware of everything you are putting into your body.

Maybe it seems like I am online a lot because I forgot to logout?  Or because my posts are so profound LOL?  Have a good weekend, everybody.  Can't wait to see what is on the other threads.....
Amazing, just frigging amazing.  And I agree, alot of our frustrations is because the medical profession only has about one-half of AI figured out (plus working from the wrong premise).  I just wish more would admit it instead of lording it over you.  No one has all the answers, and we are all separate in our form of our disease.  It's encouraging that a few months ago I believe the AMA put out a special notice that fibro is not "mental", and even if they haven't found their "scientific criteria" to give it a code, to start treating the patient for their pain.  Maybe the medical profession is starting to get it. 
I went, I saw and laughed my ass off. For those of you who aren't in the medical field, or if you are in the medical field but don't work the ER, you probably can't relate to this doctor. I do work the ER and can relate to what he says very well. I, however do not make fun of alternative therapies (for the most part) unless they're really inconceivable. For some people it works and for those it does, I say more power to 'em. Also not into calling names, this is a place to say what ya want, to vent for lack of of another term. So if you're down, I can understand, if your tolerance has worn thin for those who use this as a place to vent their negative feelings rather than show them to their families... "don't be hatin" and vice-versa to the venters. :)Yeah, and thats why I say "thanks for sharing". We are sick people, you are not. You could have given more of a heads up about the topic.

""I titled this thread "Read at your own risk" for a reason. And said it ruined my week. Didn't wet my panties, Mr. Tambourine Man, made me want to vomit. """

Er doctors generally don't like people that is why they work in the ER so they don't have to have relationships. Its not like TV.

Larry, you are right the paranoid "doctors are evil" gets real tiring and its bad for us. We need to look at doctors without bad influences. We need to be able to think clearly to help ourselves.Anna/Birdgirl/Beebee/troll name of the week -
Are you now saying Wendy doesn't have RA?  Damn, you're on a tear this week?
Mind you, I wouldn't complain (as much) about your unconsciousable behavior if you'd stand by what you say and only be one person = Anna. 
Get a clue - we are on our own with these diseases.  Docs are 'trained' early to discount some of the various things that will help us.  The arrogance shows thru in the blogs.  If by thinking clearly you mean 'don't question the docs' (your usual rant) then you need to think again.  The last MORON ER doc I saw almost scarred my baby for life.
You and Larry - now THAT's a team.

I missed your original question. Sorry....Yes, I do like Pandabear's blog. He's not the only one I read...I find them allof them to be enlightening in one way or another. Some make me angry, some make me think, others..well they just make me laugh. I guess it is all about interpetation.

Lynn492008-05-05 07:02:27I laugh, too, it is just over time there seem to be a lot of negative common themes/assumptions about patients that frankly could be my daughter one day.

There are some very funny, outrageous stories; too bad they aren't fiction.
Lynn and Suzanne -
I can laugh at a lot.  And in the beginning I thought some of it was funny.  But the overwhelming impression I'm left with is 'nitwit patients' and 'poor, put upon, overworked' MD's. 
I never like Frazier, either.  I thought it was 'too mean'.
