help interpert- blood results in | Arthritis Information


I just got my blood results via fax from the diagnostic center.

When I went to my RD last Saturday he did not have them but when I got home he called and said he just got them in the mail. We had been discussing biologics in the office. He said the results showed slightly elevated inflammation. I had another issue he wanted me to get an MRI for and said we would still pursue the biologic but after the other issue was addressed.
My question- how slighlty elevated am I?
My WBC was normal
My ESR was normal
My C-Reactive was 1.8 (normal is less than 0.8)
I don't know the abbreviations for anything else but all were in normal range except my eosinophils, absolute was low at 9 (normal 15-550) and my
platlets were high 17.0 (normal 11.0-15.0)
To me- it sounds pretty darn good. Last test when I was on 40 mgs. prednisone I was in remission- all tests normal.
This one I was on just 9 mgs. 15 mgs. MTX both tests.
I don't think I want to start the biologics yet....
I don't know about the other stuff, but I noticed my platelets have been climbing the last couple blood tests I got and I looked this up on ask the expert (even though we have in the past established he's not much of an expert).

"Mild to moderately elevated platelet counts are commonly seen when chronic inflammation is present."

So maybe we both have a little more inflammation? Mine isn't out of the ormal range, it's just more than it has been.
Hi Want2B,

How long have you had RA? If your labwork shows slight elevation, can you wait on deciding on a biologic and perhaps try adding something like fish oil or flax seed oil, said to reduce inflammation, (just be sure to get a good quality, Spectrum Oils are suppose to be good) and see if that makes a difference?


I wish I understood bloodwork more and what it means - but it seems like your counts aren't so bad.    But, as I said - I don't understand the counts.    

I did go back and check my platelet counts over the last year and they have been going down from when I first was diagnosed in early 2007 and then up after Aug 2007.  Connection to biologics since that's when I started Enbrel?   My counts have a different count, must depend on the lab.  Normal range is 130-400.  Count was 256 in April 07, down to 217 in August, then steadily rising  - up to 294 in Dec, and 346 in April 08.     Not really concerned as they are in range, but interesting in the switch.   
Not sure, but my recent ESR was 35 and my C-reactive was 19. My RD said we will give my current pills 2 more months to get the inflammation down, or maybe have to add/change stuff.
Not sure if that helps any, but 1.8 is pretty good according to my CRP.
I agree- I'm pretty happy with my numbers. I'm a little surprised that my level of pain seems to have increased despite the low numbers though.
I have always wondered if the level of pain corresponded to disease activity- does anyone know?
Thanks for your research Gimpy. I did some too and found the same explanation and also something about cardiac reasons.
I don't think any of the tests are all that.  Like Cathy says, 'we're all individual snowflakes'.
Not sure what your post meant Pip- can you elaborate please?