MTX/low white blood count | Arthritis Information


Is it typical when on MTX long term for your WBC to drop below normal?  Is this what the doctor is trying to achieve?  Thanks in advance ~~ CathyGuess this is a very obscure question - I tried getting it out of my primary, but she passed.  Research time.  Since MTX is a chemo agent, then yes the WBC could drop.  You might contact Dr. about monitoring this and/or lower amount as now you are prone to infection.  Not a good thing...

Cathy, I don't know if it's common for that to happen.  I've been on mtx for about a year and I have not had that happen.  Happy reasearching!!Thanks stem and linn - that's why I stopped the MTX and dropped the rheumatologist.  I am finished with that profession.  My WBC (which was normal at the start of 18 months of MTX) steadily dropped the entire time, and finally dropped below normal and continued to drop and he said nothing.  Then when my liver enzymes skyrocketed at Christmas time and he had me do a two-week wash which was awful (especially during the time of year when you are suppose to being working on peace on earth, good will toward), I chose to stop the MTX and never went back after he said to start up again. 
Plus, just previous to this I had gone sero positive, and he had upped me two pills.  He was also infuriated I had started AP.  I went back through my records and I had gone sero positive one time before about a year earlier, with alot higher numbers, and he only upped me one pill.  After a big discussion with the hubbie, we decided not to go up two MTX pills.  Two weeks later I was sero negative again.  I left him thinking he did it with the MTX, but started liver damage. 
justsaynoemore2008-05-03 12:37:27I'm just the oposite. My White count comes back elevated ???Mine was elevated too. I think that means inflammation or infection.I am still not diagnosed.  What a fiasco. 