got my test results | Arthritis Information


ok so I called the doctor since he didn't bother to call me ... The nurse said that everything looked normal..ok ..
we only call if there's a problem ..uh huh.. What did the RA say ?
oh uh.. let me look it up..

grr its normal but you dont even know what the RA was? sheesh

anyway.. they said the RA is 20 .. the lab runs less than 20 is normal well its not less lol anyway i'm going to go talk to the doctor because i want to have a real conversation with the doctor and find out what he thinks not his nurse.

asherah2008-05-02 22:07:47Welcome to the wonderful of getting diagnosed. You can have completely normal results and be sick as a dog. What you need to do is document, symptoms day by day, and a summary, everything that's going on and schedule a followup. If there is something wrong what you document will help the doctors find out what's wrong. Well... hope the next appt goes good for you.

Keep us posted!
thanks for the advice. I think I will do that.
My ankle is not happy after a tripe to the park with kiddos and my neighbour. At least there are benches there lol
I guess I should start doing the documenting in the morning so i have a full day.

ok iwas wrong.. its not my ankle.. its my knee all the way down to my ankle .. my foot and toes..
i just too my naproxen again hopefully that will help.
Is it normal for RA to have pain after excercise?
have you had pain in that knee before? some times when your pain meds are working you might over do it . i tend to have more pain at night. how about you?by the way i have sero-neg ra . nothing shows up on test 17yrs an counting...asherah
It may be a good idea to sign a form at the lab so they will send you a copy of your results too. I like to keep a record and get a good look at them in case I want to ask the doctor questions.
It may be a good idea to sign a form at the lab so they will send you a copy of your results too. I like to keep a record and get a good look at them in case I want to ask the doctor questions.
I do that too, especially since the doctor will not call unless there's a problem.  But what if he/she misses something?  It could happen, they're human after all.  But if you have the test too, you can catch anything they miss.  And good on you for insisting on a better explanation.  You deserve and need it. 
As for the exercise, I eventually had to stop all exercise because I was hurting myself constantly, no matter how careful I tried to be.  Now I'm back to being able to exercise moderately. 
Being proactive is the name of this game. That is the key word to managing the whole medical side of it particularly. You have to be a proactive patient. The medical profession can be fabulous but one often has to be an advocate for your own disease. If you are not happy with the answers, question them. If you aren't getting the answers you need, keep digging.  Like the idea of personally getting test results. I think I will do that if I have to go offsite for bloodwork or such. my knees are one of the first things that started botherine me. I am going to go to my doctor and talk to him about it. He's agood doctor and checks everything thourougly (sp) instead of the one that did the test because i dont know him.
I would think that since it isn't lower than 20 it would matter? who knows... lol ..or I would think they would see it as borderline or something.

I guess i'll know more later. thanks for all the advice.

