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a quick update.  Leeds phoned today - my esr and crp are still normal.!?!

I still have a low white cell count (I think this is why the other tests are normal) and they are testing my anti ccp because they obviously don't believe me.  They said they are not prepared to treat me unless they can detect signs of synovitis.  Well today I think I've noticed that my feet feel more kinda spongy - don't know if I'm imagining it.  Wayney - I wish I lived close to you so I could bring you round to my Rheumy.  I'm so annoyed at these people just now. Hey Julie...wish I could help you out...what is "synovitis"?? The spongy feeling in your feet, could you be retaining water? Or maybe swelling?? Sorry I'm not much help Synovitis is when the lining of your joints are inflammed - I think that's what's happening in my feet now.  Before I could feel bone but now it's kinda spongy where the joints hurt - oh well maybe they'll believe me now.

Maybe my feet have filled up with all the green tea I've been drinking

I think Synovitis means swelling around bones and joints...synovial fluid.  I have tenyosynovitis which is swelling containing synovial fluid in the tendon sheath on my wrist.

I'm sorry Julie you are having a rough time.  I would love for my rhuemy to tell me nothing was wrong and everything was normal but then again I would hate to know I have something wrong but not knowing what was wrong.. I understand your anger and confusion. I hope you get answers or relief soon Julie, truly I do.


Thanks Jackie, I get what you are talking about at the back of my ankles - OUCH it is so sore to walk when that happens.
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