hi herms | Arthritis Information


hi Ron i have popped over for a look.. i see you take mynocin..
i am considering  this myself as my only treatment now is prednisone.

 . i have been through
some posts and see you had xrays on hip . showing damage and then
xrayed again showing no damage.. i have read that when a person
whith arthritis goes into a remmision of symptoms for a long period
that the bone will try and heal itself sometimes in near perfect formation
it would appeare antibiotics are working well for you.. i wonderd how
much probiotics you do..

Boney fingers    Hi Boney,

We were born to heal, I read somewhere that some stroke victims show improvement over time.
I take my abx in the evening and take two probiotics in the morning....has worked for years for me. I buy from Costco, not sure if that chain is across the pond.
hi Ron we do have a costco but i beleive you must be a member..
sorry i dont know much about the antibiotic -probiotic only what i see inthe posts
the 2 probiotics you mention.. are they yoghurts or something else..

Boney    Isn't that something? paying to shop! We share a membership with our daughter and then we also get free lunch....works out OK.
Antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, probiotics replace the good bacteria. Yogurts are probiotics, think there might be more active cultures in the powder pill form but not sure.
hi Ron . never thought of that paying to shop..surprised they dont all charge to get in..
i have to see my doc next month andwill discuss this ap whith him..
all the antibiotics i have been on i cant have much bacteria left...

Bacteria free Boney   
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