Strange first 3 wks of Enbrel... | Arthritis Information


Hi everybody,
I'm here asking this on behalf of my Mum, who doesn't really use the internet all that much. 
My mother has RA, and started taking Enbrel about 3 weeks ago, after not getting any results with the usual meds.
Initially, she was feeling better 2 days after the first shot - the pain in her hands was much less, and she had much more energy. It seemed to get better for the next week or so.
Then, after the 2nd shot, things starting going downhill - she is having the same pain in the joints that she was before the meds, and is very very tired again.
Has anyone has this experience?
If so, did things get better?
She's feeling discouraged since it has gone in the opposite direction.
Any information would be great.
Hi Hannahbelle

Ihad the same experience with enbrel.  The difference for me was that after my first shot I felt great! but then I got an infection in my eye from ducts the optho put in and had to take two weeks off from shots... When I gave myself the last/next shot, I felt no different than any other day of having this disease.  Yesterday I had very swollen ankles, which had not swelled like this in months.
I am feeling disappointed, but the RD said to give this med at least three  months for the full benefits.
It's very sweet that you write for your Mum... I hope the enbrel starts working for her soon.
I found that the enbrel worked straight away on the fatigue and pain so I started getting stuck into housework etc that was long overdue, so i ended up in terrible pain. I have since learnt to pace myself and not overdo things. It was about three months when the morning stiffness etc got better and now I only have the odd inflamed joint, not like the severe overall pain I used to have. Persist with the enbrel as it may just take a bit longer to work. Thanks for the replies.  :)

Allycat, I think it could be that she was really overdoing it.  She said she is beginning to feel a little better, she's slowed down, so I'm giving her you're advice.

Babs, I'm sorry you're having a hard time with it, too.  It's certainly not easy, is it?  And it seems that many people do not realize how physically exhausting it is, and how painful it is.
Hope that the three months go by quickly for you, and that it starts working well.  I'm going to let my Mum know someone else has had the same experience - hopefully, she'll feel better knowing she's not alone.

Dear Allycat,
I also had a strange side effect of taking enbrel.  I started taking enbrel about 3 months ago for psoriasis only.  I had no problem with joint pain.  But after 3 months my joints are so swollen and sore I had to stop the shots.  Now I continue to have pain in my hands, spine, knees, ankles and hips.  So much so that I am taking large doses of Advil to get thru the day.  My derm said to stop the enbrel for 1 month to see if the problem stops.  I am so worried that I will continue to have this joint pain.  It is sad because my psoriasis (palms of hands/soles of feet) healed beautifully.  Now that I have stopped the shots the psoriasis is looming (that tingling/stinging feeling) plus I now have this awful joint pain.  My finger joints are swollen and very painful, hurts to even bend them...... Just wondering if anyone who is taking enbrel for psoriasis only has had this problem.
Thank You,
