Strategies to combat prednisone weight | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any?

I try like heck to resist my urges to eat when it's not meal time and for the past 2-3 weeks I think I've been doing pretty good. However the needle is stuck on the scale at FAT.
For breakfast I usually either eat 1 pkg. of instant oatmeal or 2 slices of toast with honey & cinnamon. One day out of the week I'll have a fried egg sandwich on white toast not buttered.
For lunch I am now down to JUST a salad with fat free dressing. No enjoyable things in the salad- lettuce and veggies only.
I was having a can of soup with that previously. Sometimes a sandwich- 3 slices of roast beef or turkey with 1 teaspoon mayo. 1 serving of WOW chips.
Dinner my husband cooks so it's out of my control but I can't see that I could be going that far overboard! Usually some kind of meat a vegetable and potato.
I do have a couple cookies after lunch and after dinner.
What am I doing wrong!!! It just doesn't seem fair- I am really denying myself much more than I want. It is getting depressing. I have started to exercise at lunch time for about 20 minutes(but I am so tired) I try and park far away from stores to get in some extra steps....
What do you eat? Is your weight under control?
Your food choices sound good.  I do the oatmeal for breakfast.  Usually hubby will cook up a huge bag of chicken breasts on the grill and we freeze them.  I will take out a few for the week.  I will eat a chicken breast and some canned green beans for lunch most days, if I am in a real hurry, I will grab a frozen weight watchers or lean cuisine out of the freezer to take to work with me.

My hubby also usually cooks dinner but he is trying to lose weight as well.  We use ground turkey instead of ground beef to cut extra calories.  Have cut out the garlic bread with our pasta, little things like that.  We are also filling our plates, than putting away the left overs before we eat so we don't get seconds or nibble while putting dinner away.

Of course, hubby has lost like 30 pounds, I have lost about 10!!!!  I had just started to exercise again a couple of months back but than had a nasty flare that I am just starting to get over.  I find that I HAVE to exercise to lose weight, just my body I guess.  I am hoping to start slowly working out again next week.  I have an elliptical trainer at home and I do stretches and light arm weights.

Maybe try adding some more protein to your meals, like some tuna fish in your lunch salad?  I am a good 40 pounds over weight and hope to lose it by Christmas.  Before I got sick, I was a size 6 and worked out 6 times a week, 6 miles on the elliptical, could do lots of yard work and clean house-I was very active.  After being sick for more than 3 years and on steroids for at least a year of that, well lets say on a good day I can fit into a size 14 and I am not happy at all about it!
Is their much water weight when you take pred?  If yes, I don't know if a diuretic is ok or not.  Water is a natural diuretic so maybe some extra H2O would flush it out (if it's there)  Maybe you could add some exercise to burn some of those healthy calories you're taking in.  I know you had some pain in your wrists, but if you could squeeze in a walk that could make a difference for you.  Men ALWAYS lose weight quicker! I think it has something to do with them having more muscle which burns fat and calories better. Maybe we could use some weight training but my wrists hurt too much- even to pick up a stapler is uncomfortable.
Funny you should mention protein- I've been thinking the same thing. Today I actually cut up a little left over chicken breast and put it in my salad. Problem is I'm still friggin hungry! I ate like 2 cups of baby lettuces, a whole red pepper, a whole cucumber, half of a red onion & a handful of grape tomatoes. OK OK I just ate 3 golden oreos. The pack was 6 and it was a serving size. 250 cals. 10 grams of fat.  I don't think a little treat of 125 cals. and 5 grms of fat is so bad after eating rabbit food! I had to tape up the package and put it across the room in my cabinet but I won't touch it til tomorrow.
I hate water but I have been drinking more of it since starting the MTX because that's what I was told to do. Personally I hate it.
I was thinking maybe it was retained water because now I've been reading you should limit your salt when on prednisone because of that. canned soups and wow chips are full of sodium. I also like to eat reduced fat popcorn sometimes if I'm super hungry in between.
I am already on a dieuretic tho to help my BP pill!
I don't like water either.  I mostly only drink it if I'm swallowing pills. 
You know what's low cal and good for a snack?  Popsicles.  Juicy and flavorful, yum yum!  And you can always cut up some veggies to keep in the fridge so you can grab a handful when you feel like munching on something.Yes, you are eating healthy but if you are still hungry, protein will help!!  Buy those little sealed bag pouches of tuna, they are like 100 calories for the whole pouch and have them with some light wheat thin crackers.  Adding protein will help you to feel fuller longer and help keep you from snacking.  Those little 100 calorie snack packs are good when you need a treat even if they are not very nutritious.  I keep some in my desk at work, keeps me from walking across the street to the Dairy Queen or the Dunkin Donuts!!

Also look for foods high in fiber, they will full you up as well. I really like a soft, chewy granola bar called Fiber One, its 35% fiber and really helps keep the hunger at bay.  Drinking water is important, if you don't like plain water, try those little packets you can add to your water bottle.  I don't care for the taste of them because of the artificial sugar they use but my girlfriend swears by them.  How about Tea?  I read some place that drinking diet soda can actually cause you to feel more hungry?!!!!

Pred will make you retain water so being on the diuretic is helpful.
I think you definitely need more protein at breakfast and lunch.  As Michelle said, it will help with hunger and also give you more energy. Yes popsicles will be a mainstay once it gets a little warmer. However from eating salad everyday - I just can't bear to eat another raw vegetable.
Micheleb don't you find yourself looking inside those pouches for more when the bag is long gone...LOL I do. I do have those Cold Brew tea bags I may start pouring my water over...
you know my protein was low on my blood work last time too- not sure if that's relatedPrednisone can cause insuline resistance which leads to diabetes.  You have to avoid excess sugars found in sweets, white flour, rice, etc.  Many people find that low carb is the best diet for pred weight.  Watch low fat items, esp salad dressing because often there is a lot of sodium and sugar in those products.  Fat adds flavor so shen its removed it has to be added back in somewhere.  Avoid empty calories.  cookies and chips taste good but add no nutritional value and because of the white flour and sugar allow spikes in the blood sugar.   Eat 5-6 mini meals per day..again this allows your blood sugar to avoid spiking at any point during the day.  
In additio nyou might find it helpful to measure and track what you eat for several days.  Many people find that they are eating far more than they think they are.  Portion distortion is real.  It is also possible since you are cutting back that you have cut back too far.  Also get a heart rate monitor that measures calories burned so you have a real idea of the effect of your exercise.  Just like people tend to underestimate what they eat they overestimate how much they burn.
its a great weight loss  site.
good luck
oh and make sure you are drinking water and lots of it
Well Buckeye-sounds like I'm eating what I shouldn't! They have been watching my blood sugar- last reading non fasting 185.
I used to visit that sparkpeople website- it is a good one! Maybe I better get my butt back there.
When I got into my comfy clothes after work today I caught a glimpse in the mirror and I was look like the before picture in a Hydroxy ad.
hi wannabe  just wanted to add pred works on the body in funny ways
and causes fat redistribution in the body.. i have noticed weight gain
on my chest area..Weight gain during prednisone therapy is common. The weight gain is typically due to a combination of factors: fluid retention, increased calorie consumption, and decreased physical activity.

Prednisone causes the body to retain sodium (salt) and lose potassium. This combination can result in fluid retention, weight gain, and bloating. Measures that can be used to avoid fluid retention in the first place are eating a reduced sodium diet and increasing potassium intake through potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and lima beans).

Higher calorie consumption is also typical while taking prednisone because the drug can cause an increase in appetite. Some tips to avoid gaining weight include decreasing calories consumed each day, decreasing fat, and eating several small meals a day instead of 3 large ones.

Many people are taking prednisone due to an inflammatory condition or a chronic condition. These conditions often make physical activity difficult.

When possible, physical activity can help prevent or lessen the weight gain from prednisone.

Prednisone can also cause the redistribution of fat, which makes even a small amount weight gain more intolerable. The weight tends to be located in the face, back of the neck, and the abdomen.

The good news is that this side effect tends to reverse when the dosage of prednisone is taken below 10 mg/day. The fluid retention and increased appetite will decrease. Any weight gain, however, will not reverse itself. Sticking to a healthful eating plan and getting regular exercise will be needed to take off the pounds. It will be easier to do both of these things when the underlying condition for which the prednisone was prescribed is resolved, or under control.

Your physician can recommend the best diet and fitness plan that works with your particular lifestyle and any medical conditions. Unfortunately, there is no easy road to weight loss, which is why there are so many diet plans and pills that promise a quick weight loss.

The best way to lose weight, however, is still through a healthy lifestyle: reducing calorie consumption and getting regular exercise. Weight loss should be slow and steady to give the best chance of losing the pounds permanently.

Thanks for the info Boney-
It makes me feel better that it's not ALL my fault.
I thought for sure when I opened this up it was going to be a joke about looking like the before picture in a Hydroxy ad!
gees that was my next post.. Looks to me like you have way too  much sugar in your diet - instant oatmeal, bread (simple carbs are metabolized as sugar), cookies etc..  I would suggest adding 2 servings of protein a day, each one about the size of a deck of cards, about 3 to 4 ounces.  For breakfast eat an egg white omlette with lots of veggies, mushrooms, onions, a bit of pepper, a bit of ham.  For lunch eat a small chicken breast with salad, maybe a piece of melba toast.  For dinner eat a large salad with another small serving of protein - fish or chicken.  For snacks stick to celery or peppers. 
And drink a lot of water.  It does fill you up.
My best advice for combatting weight problems from this med is do not take it in the first place. easy for some to say.. for others thereare no choices..

[QUOTE=lorster]My best advice for combatting weight problems from this med is do not take it in the first place. [/QUOTE]
I do not really care about my weight problem, because I know without predisone, I would be way less active than I am now. I would be bedridden and dopped up on pain meds 24/7.

I found this article yesterday and I think it provides some insight into why it's sometimes so hard to stick to a diet.  The part about the marshmallows is particularly interesting.

Crap- I didn't exercise yesterday,  I didn't exercise today and I have a client lunch tomorrow so not only will I not exercise tomorrow I am sure to eat poorly.
Tonight I cam home to pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and asparagus. I scraped the potatoes and asparagus into the garbage, defrosted a roll and put my pork on it with some horseradish sauce. Then I had 1 Chips Ahoy cookie.
I am bad and I am too tired to care!
