On Humira Off most other drugs | Arthritis Information


I started Humira in Nov.07 and was advised to continue taking the 5 mg Prednisone, Arava and Napryson that I've been on for a few years.  I run out of both Arava and Napryson a fortnight ago and have not phoned to have another script filled.  I've not been feeling any worse for not taking these two drugs, yay! 

One day last week I was all shampooed, shaved and generally spruced up and heading out the door to go to my Rheumy appointment two hours ago when I got a call to say that the Rheumy was sick so not to come.   Naturally I was disappointed as I was looking forward to having indepth bloodwork done so I'd know more about how my bod. is coping without Arava and Nap. 
I have fortnightly bloods done locally and to my surprise the last ones showed that a  couple of readings that have been elevated for years are now in the normal range.  ESR and CRP are both raised a little.    On the positive side I have had much less reflux.  I'm really looking forward to having bloods done this Thursday.  I get the results the next day.
Have any of you on biologics been able to do away with most other drugs, long term?  
Hope the results come back good. Glad to hear you did not flare without the Arava.
Keep us posted!

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