Vitamin D and RA? | Arthritis Information


Why do Rheumy's test for Vitamin D deficiancy?  Mine is very low but I have to make an appointment to discuss all my blood work results.  Is there a link to Vit D and RA?Hello.

Do not know the answer but found this about vitamin D deficiancy.
I was going to look up about vitamin d deficiancy, because my mom has recently been having to take extra vitamin D because she was lacking in it.
There is a lot of evidence that low vitamin D may be linked to RA. There is also evidence that vitamin D deficiencies are linked to muscle pain, muscle performance, muscle strength and the risk of falling.

Vitamin D deficiencies have also been linked to early inflammatory polyarthritis. Some studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency may increase rheumatoid arthritis activity. 16:55:21Yeah.... that is probably why they have my mom increase her vitamin D because she fell a couple of times in the few months. She says her knees just gave out on her. My dr's office called last week and said I had to get a perscription for Vitamin D, I haven't made it to town yet. I'm glad I waited until you guys googled it for me, I hate taking more pills and hate trying to find the right info on the www.For the other side - please look under the Yooohooo Pip thread.
Vitamin D might be very bad for us.
sorry i cant help, but i hope your test go well ,fingers crossed for you