Day time or Evening - Pain | Arthritis Information


Ok, I was doing pretty good pain wise yesterday, thanks to 20mg of pred. Then last night around 8pm, my pain got worse and annoying and my knees started swelling more. It was the pits. I did not take any pain meds until 9pm. My muscles in both my legs were twitching and spasming. Then before the Ultracets kicked in... I was having the same pains in my left leg like I had with my right leg, that I swore up and down was more than just fibro. Well... now... I am thinking it is fibro. Because my right leg/hip area got better and now my left leg/hip area is having the same problem.

Oh it just stinks!
I am not in much pain right now, but it probably would not hurt to take a muscle relaxer because my ribs feel tight again and have since 4pm, but been trying to hold out. I know it is not good, but neither is being dopped up.
My pain seems to get worse toward evening.
What time of day does your pain seem to get worse?
joonie2008-05-07 17:11:35Mine it gets worse when I get home from work and all the way up til I go to bed. Then I feel better again in the morning. Sometimes I this RA? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?Hey Joonie.  Well, this is disappointing after yesterday's improvement.  But their's still the Remicade next week.
When I have a flare, the pain is bad when I wake up in the morning, better during the day, then bad at night again.
I do think I go downhill in the evening too. I used to hit the pillow and that was it. Now anything that gets pressure seems to decide it's time to deliver an owie.  mab522008-05-07 19:16:12I usually hurt more in the evening too. That's when it all catches up with me. All the stuff I did during the day and just worked through the pain finally says "GOTCHA" about 5pm. I try not to take pain meds during day unless I know I am home for the day and have nothing to do. I usually end up taking them in the late afternoon to get a start on the pain. SOmetimes just keeping them in your system helps more for me anyway.
No matter what time it still suckz!
I'm just like CinDee. I usually wake up with some pain and stiffness but try to get moving right away. Spend the day working through the pain and then come late afternoon it all goes downhill. The fatigue sets in and the pain gets bad. Maybe it's because I finally slow down.

You're having a bugger of a time Joonie - sorry to hear you're not getting much relief.  I hope things improve rapidly for you soon.

Most of my pain and fatigue comes late morning and again late afternoon after doing farm chores.  Laying on the couch and elevating my feet for half an hour is good for easing this pain.   My night time pain is mainly caused by damaged nerves in my back - these come into their own when I lay flat, and RA in my feet.   I don't do much moving after dinner as after a spabath, I veg out in front of the tele or the pc

My bod. crashed badly yesterday after doing an experiment to see if I could do without Napryson.  I hunted the house and even the glovebox in the car looking for a stray Napryson tablet - found one, yay!  and got my script filled whilst in town today.    Whilst at the chemist, I also got some magnesium tablets to try.  Maybe they'll help with the muscle pain I get.  Anyone tried Magnesium for Fibro? 
I was happy to read these posts because I also have much more pain as the day goes on.  I have RA.  I am on medrol, mtx, humira, etc. Everyone kept telling me that my worst pain should be in the morning and get better as the day goes on but it's the opposite for me. I am sore in the morning but I am usually in really bad pain after a day at work. I have to take pain meds and ice my joints because they are red and swollen and painful. Sorry that you all are having the same problems. Yukky disease. Welcome to the board, janewall!
Sorry you have the same problem too. Do you have morning stiffness? If so, for how long does it take to get unstiff?
Honestly, I am more stiff right now, it's 3:11 p.m. than I am in the morning.  I start out with some soreness but just get worse and worse as the day goes on. I don't follow the normal pattern for RA but it seems as though I am not alone which is good to know.  Thanks for the welcome. It's great to have others to talk to about it.  janewall2008-05-09 13:18:02hi joonie when i first got ra .. stiffness was mainly  morning and loads of swelling..
as the years have gone by less swelling less stiffness in the mornings..
but small amounts of activity during the day causes pain and fatigue.
i take all my meds as soon as i get up.

Hi everyone,
Mine is the same as Boney.  At first my husband had to help me out of bed and even dress me.  Now I have some stiffness and pain in the morning but more as the day goes by.  When I get home from work I am also zapped out.  If I do any type of exercise or physical work then I will pay for it later.  I try to not over do it.
Ok... has any of you heard of gelling? Stiffness, known as "gelling," may also manifest after brief periods of inactivity. So that might be what most of us are experiencing? [QUOTE=joonie]Ok... has any of you heard of gelling? Stiffness, known as "gelling," may also manifest after brief periods of inactivity. So that might be what most of us are experiencing?[/QUOTE]

I definitely get that, though it is greatly reduced since starting the plaquenil.  "Gelling" greatly contributes to the reluctance to get up and get moving!  Kinda like swimming - you know when you first jump in, the water's gonna feel cold, but once you get moving it feels fine.
Oh, and when the RA is acting up, I definitely have the most pain first thing in the morning or after a prolonged period of inactivity (sitting at work, driving a car, etc).