Rheum visit | Arthritis Information


Tomorrow morning I have a visit with my rheum for FM DX. I hope this time it's clear enough that I can getting an official RD diagnosis without jumping through any more hoops. Absolutely getting hammered by the symptoms.


Good Luck to ya, Mike!

Let us know how it goes!
Best of luck, I remember the not knowing was the worst feeling of all...Hey Mike.hope it goes well for you, will be praying.  Don't forget to let us know how it goes, K?Mike, I hope you can finally get some answers. Hopefully good ones too!
Let us know!
I don't know what to think now. No real 18 point test. Barely touched me and clothed too. Not at all by the book and tells me there aren't any tests. Didn't read my symptoms records. Maybe doesn't believe in the test? Tells me to stay at 20mg amitryptaline if it's working ok and to do some exercise. That's it.
I'm so sorry, sounds very frustrating!  When do you go back? That stinks! Sorry you didn't get any answers.I am sorry Mike.
My RD did the tender pints on me with my clothes on, but man she was pressing hard LOL!
Don't feel too bad Mike. Maybe try another RD?
The RD I had before this one told me the same thing that RD told you, which was exercise. I was like how the hell am I to exercise when my knees are always swelled? He just looked at me told when they are not swelled. After that and because I knew the man was getting old and forgetful, he would have to record what he was talking with me about and then when he would leave out for something he would stand in the hallway and rewind the tape back and listen to it before coming back in, the man was in his early 80's. Then I figured I needed a new RD because he was not helping me any.
Ugh!  That's awful, I'm sorry!The amitryptaline works on my sleep, but I do not know yet if it's affecting my pain level. I still have lots of symptoms. I am going to follow my GPs advice on the medicine which would be to work it up to 30. If it grogs me out too much, we can try something else. I don't think I am going to know how well this really works until I do it.

I have been trying to exercise. Can't do much and the symptoms return anyway. I'm out of shape, but that's mostly on a strength level. I was so active before my cancer that my overall condition is still good.

If my GP believes I have it and will take care of me that's good enough for me. I might have to go out of network for a real rheum diagnosis. Unless my GP does the TP test.
You take your Nortriptyline during the day?
Mine says to take mine 2-3 hours before bedtime.
But while I was getting my 13 vials of blood took the other day. Another lady who just had been put on Nortriptyline for fibro, said her pain was worse thru the day, and if she could take it thru the day. The nurse told her our RD will start you off taking it at night, and then after your dosage is found, then she will switch you to taking it thru the day.
I have no idea why, but that is just what I heard. I am going to be on 80mg of Nortriptyline in 2 weeks. Right now I am at 60mg, Next Tuesday I will be 70mg and then the next next Tuesday 80mg and hold.
I hope the Nortriptyline helps you, Mike.
Its amitryptaline not nortryptaline (they are similar but the amitryptaline is a bit more sedating) and I do take it at night. I think I might want to take it a bit earlier since my symptoms seem to snowball in the evening. So far it's working.


Oh I was on Amitriptyline in the beginning, but RD switched me to Nortriptyline because she said amitriptyline caused weight gain... like the pred does.
Glad to hear it is working for you.
Mike, I'm sorry your appt wasn't very enlightening.  Just for reference, the amount of pressure they are supposed to use in the tender point test is about the same amount that turns your nail bed white if you are pressing on a finger nail, if you know what I mean.  That's not a lot of pressure, but some docs do it harder while others don't do it hard enough.  It's difficult for me to remember the specifics of when I first saw my RD for the FM dx (now 8 years ago), but I think on the first visit I was in a gown, visits after that I was clothed.
Any possibility of getting a second opinion from another RD?  This one doesn't seem very concerned about your symptoms.
I probably use more pressure on my computer keyboard than she used touching me. I know what pounds of pressure are like from several different skills that I have. 8.5 pounds of pressure or 4kg is no tap.

I can get another opinion if I get permission from the insurance company after writing a letter explaining why. Otherwise it's out of pocket.

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