Doctors Shun Less Lucrative Specialities | Arthritis Information


Kind of explains why it's so hard to find an RD. isnt just the pay.. Imagine KNOWING  in general the most you can do for your patients is improve them somewhat..   no celebrity.. According the the graph, 0,000 is one of the less lucretive feilds.  I'll look at your joints for half that.  Of course I don't have an actual license to practice medicine but that's just details.   And I have a good bed side manner.That's salary.  In some instances, more factors come into to play.  Hubby's college roommate's dad taught at a med school.  So all four of the good dr's sons went to the school for free.  Our friend only pays for one vacation a year, the rest are 'conferences'.  And I've said before, we have a kid's table and chair set that was someone else's gift from a drug rep.  If you think not enough is coming in, consider not as much may be going out, either....  I enjoyed this article.  This doctor explains his frustration at how quality is rewarded with less pay,  and I can see how that could be:
