RA recipes...Help!! | Arthritis Information


Hello Everyone,


   Well, I was doing a lot of reading and I always come across the word…Diet.

What I really want to know is there is a special diet for RA. What I mean is what are the right foods to feed our immune system…I read different web sites about “Healthy living and RA”, but I want to know from you all who are “living with RA” the foods or herbs or diets you are on.

I know, I know everyone is different, but it doesn’t hurt to ask..right?

 To be honest I get so exhausted just sitting reading different web sites and never really finding my answer, So what better then to ask all of you.

As of right now I am on no diet or healthy eating habit but I do want to start, well I do walk everyday but I feel the need to take care of myself more then when I first found out that I had RA a few months ago…so, if you all can just right down what foods you eat or make you feel better or what is a RA diet, what you drink or not drink  would make my life just a little easier and healthier. Plus…it would be like a having our own RA recipes forum…lol.


Thank you,

Hi Ofelia
Bad timing for me to read this as I just got home from work and went into the chips (I'm a salt-craver)    Anyways, not any specific diet for me - I did ask my RD one time and she said to just follow the normal guidelines, so trying to eat more fruits/vegetables.   If I was following that advice, I'd be munching on an apple instead of chips, but you have to have a treat sometimes, right?   Good for you on walking regularly.  I'm hoping now that spring is finally here in the north I can get in a more consistent walking program.
From what I've read about RA diets (and I'll admit I'm new to the whole RA thing), the basics are these:

Cut back on the processed meat - meaning sausages, hot dogs, bologna, etc...
Little to *no* potatoes - for some reason potatoes are a no-no for sufferers of arthritis
Cut back on the refined sugar and flour - eat more "whole grains"
Eat the "recommended" servings of fruits and veggies or more
     - the USDA has upped the servings (I didn't know that until I started researching). 
    - They even have a program online to help people keep track www.mypyramid.gov

There are more specifics... but those are the basics.  I think there's something about legumes, but I can't remember if they're good for you or bad for you... :-?

Hope that's helpful.
Maybe this link will give you some good info:
Thank you all for your info.
I feel much better knowing Im not the only one in the chip bag..lol...
Ok, I know I will cut down on that and learn to eat much better. I feels so
good to have a place to go to with people who understand what I have and
who live everyday with the same concerns.
Muchas Gracias..Thank you
Over the 20 years I've had RA I've tried eliminating various foods from my diet, mainly  gluten and vegetables from the nightshade family - potatoes, peppers tomatoes ect for 6 months at a time but it made no difference at all.  Also went through a juicing stage - no change in RA or digestive problems from doing that either. 
I think just sticking to as natural a diet as possible is the way to go.  The less processed the food is, the better, and plenty of fruit and veg.  and eggs. 
I drink a lot of raw milk and cream and the meat we eat is all grassfed with no chemicals in it.    The raw dairy has without doubt helped my digestive system immensley. 
Aghh my partner loves his potato crisps with a beer before dinner and recently bought a new variety that are very thin and tasty.  Me who'se never been one for nibbling much between meals, just loves them and sad to say I even put some in my shopping trolley earlier in the week!!!
I have ad RA for 12 years.   I did change some of the things I eat
1. I don't eat Red meat
2. No red sauces or tomatoes
3. No BBQ sauce
4. I don't use Vineger
5. No Teriyaki sauce
6. No corn, corn chips, cornbread, Corn tortillias etc
7. I try to stay away from dairy but Ice cream is my LOVE!!
8. I cut back on my Pork
9. Seasoning Salt like Lawry's or Johnny's
10. MSG
These Items seem to cause me more pain. My doc say no but I know how my body feels.
I cut back on most Items but it's hard. I hope this helps.
Ra 12 Years Diag. 1996 Orencia, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid Prednisone 5mg.

I think diet plays a major role, particularly sugary and processed foods.  I've been committing more and more to eating only 'whole foods'.  I jokingly say if I can't pull it out of the ground or off a tree, or fish it out of the water, I won't eat it!  (Although I eat some fowl and eggs too).  And I don't eat starches and sugary fruits, mostly veggies and berries.  I use lots of extra virgin olive oil in cooking, eat lots of salmon, and take fish oil supplements.  My big problem is diet coke; I love that stuff, and not only do I think the artificial sweeteners are BAD, my mother sent me an article a while back with a study that showed the caramel coloring they use in soft drinks increases inflammation.  Sadly, getting off the diet coke has been harder for me than all the other diet changes!  Oh, and when I just have to have something sweet, some berries and super dark chocolate.  Yumm!

I eat everything in moderation- except cookies...I eat them in mass quantities! This week- next week it may be something else.
OMGsh what you cut off is everything I eat......
I started writing down everything I eat, you know a food journal.
For the past week AHHH i have been getting up 3 - 5 times just to peeeeeeeee.....So, i was wondering if it is something Im eating..I know it can be a side affect for the meds..but wow it has gotten worse.
That is why Im keeping a "Food" journal...lol
I eat alot of spicy food...Mexican food..I can't eat food without adding a lot of CHILE in it..bad bad right..someone told me it was not good to do that ...?? I don't know.
I love coke and I am so cutting down on that I started drinking green tea...So I read it is soo good for you. ..ya but I add suger to it...lol
Hey..I started to eat Oat Meal every morning..ya I loved my bacon and eggs with lots of chile and tortillas...but no more.....well maybe once in a while.....si.
Healthy eating is everything in moderation. As I'm allergic to garlic I cook everything I eat from scratch and so dont do anything processed. I mainly live on veg/salad in all its forms/fish/chicken/the very occasional steak and generally listen to my body... its quick to tell me that I've eaten something it doesnt like. I dont deny myself cookies or chocolate and exercise by walking and pilates. Skin/weight/nails etc all seem to be ok (hair is not but I wont digress).
I found this web site that you can..listen to.  Two health specialist talk about what to eat and what is not good..I hope you get some use out of it....I know I did.

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