Caved in asked for a pred pack | Arthritis Information



I avoid pred like the plague.. It causes significant heart issues to the point that they were considering a pacemaker when I was on it last time for longer than a week.. but I can not take this much longer so I called my NP and asked for a burst pack..  bunch of it today and ever decreasing dosages  for a week.. hope it kick starts the remicade otherwise I dunno what to do
 I went to a church thing for ally's school.. and was in absolute misery the whole time and could feel eyes boring into me because I wasnt doing the sit.. stand.. kneel.. thing..God understands, besides Im not Catholic, we just send her to school there because its a good school.
I hope the pred kicks in for you. It is a wonder drug---with the side effects as well.

I totally relate to the sit, stand, kneel. I am Catholic and I know people probably look at me and wonder why I pretty much stay in the pew. Oh well, those I care about know--everybody else-we are in church, quit judging :)There are a few people at our church that don't participate in the "Catholic Calisthenics."Kathy, I hope you get quick relief, I know you've said before how much you don't want to take pred.  Sorry you've been feeling so bad that you had to do what you didn't want to.Hope it kicks in for you! Holy cow this stuff works fast...
for the first time in a couple months I am pretty much pain free. Even my big toe.. Whoooo hoo. and since its only been one day I'm not ready to kill the kids yet..
my hope is that this will give the remicade a kick start.. but even if it doesnt  I should get a few days..
Yup, life IS good :)  Glad you're feeling better. Linncn2008-05-09 07:19:17