going off MTX | Arthritis Information



Almost afraid to ask but I went off of MTX last week not with my dr's okay, just decided the hair loss was getting way out of control and did not notice any increase in symptoms etc. Now my dilemma is do I take it this week tonite or see how I do next week without it?? It has gotten my inflammation completely gone, just not in a good place about all the meds. Did anyone ever do this on their own. I will discuss it with my dr but was wondering how long it took for the symptoms and pain to come back if you went off of MTX. Have been on it since early June. blast me if you want, just thought if I don't have pain after not taking it almost two weeks, what would happen if I did not take it tonite??

Donna B.


I have been on MTX for about three years. I also take Humira weekly. I've just gotten over a spell where I was pretty sick and my doctor told me not to take either of my medications. It's not like predisone...you don't have to tapper off of it; there's nothing to "Blast" you over there.

As for how long it will take for your symptoms to come back it's kind of hard to say. For me it took a while to actually work well; to be absorbed into my system and to actually see good results....in return it takes a while to "wear off" as well. Slowly but sure it wears off for me. I can tell a difference after one week without it.....second week a little worse....and so on and so on. After 4 weeks I was very anxious to start again. My combo started working again with in two days. It doesn't always happen that way.

For some people once they stop and stay off it a while (MTX or any RA meds) they may go months....or more with out any symptoms. Then it comes back with a vengance. Years ago I was taking Sulfersalazine and Plaquinel. I felt like I was fine. Didn't think I needed anything; and even with insurance the cost of the drugs was a lot for me as a single mother struggling to make ends meet. My doctor warned me that I needed the medication. "Please don't do this" she said....but I have always had a mind of my own. I did fine for a while. I think I went about 4 months....and then when I did restart the same medications they didn't work for me any more.

It's a chance you take. See how you do. You'll know soon enough. I hope you'll be one of the lucky ones that will do fine....and continue to do fine for the rest of your life.

Best of Luck;


Donna, I was diagnosed in Oct 06' with RA that supposedly could cripple me in short order 10-15 yrs. I went into menopause fully and after months of no menses I asked my doctor if RA caused menopause and he said,"No". I then after two and half years started bleeding and went on a goose chase for possible uterine cancer, but in the back of my mind, something told me that it was the MTX. After getting off my Zocor, Nexium which I phased out one by one to no ceasing of the bleeding my last option before letting my GYN do surgery on me was to see if the MTX was the problem. Sure enough, one week after taking myself off the MTX the bleeding ceased and I can finally have my life back with my spouse. I am staying off the MTX till June this year to get a stat on my C levels to see where they are and then talk to my doctor. Unfortunately, they don't tell you much when it comes to what to expect. I would love to get a live forum/group of people with RA and discuss things such as what works (foods, excercise, etc) and be able to identify with faces who know what I go through every day. I saw you posted this a couple of years ago and wondered how you have been doing since and did you try alternatives of any sort? I stay away from all shell fish. Seems to help.

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