Charging for copies of test results ? | Arthritis Information


Curious. I saw a DR about 2 hours away from me for an exam. Got bloodwork done etc. They told me they will send the results after I sign a release form and pay 75 cents per page?? Anybody else??I have heard of it, but never experienced it. Probably because I do not ask for my results?My first RD wanted a page. That made me so mad- I think copying something for a patient should be thought of as a cost of doing business!  My lab mails me a copy for free.I thought the charges for copies were included in the fee the doctors charge the insurance companies.drs can charge for copies of  medical records, including lab results,  provided to the patient.  Grnted most drs don't charge for a single copy but as costs go up we're likely to see moreMy doc gives copies no charge.

My RD and the lab both give copies for free.The lab my doctor uses sends 2 copies of the test results to her office.  She puts one in my records and gives me the other set if I want it.  I usually just have her send the other set to my primary care doctor. The lab I use will send up to five copies of a report.  I have one sent to my home address and two more to doctors (besides the original).  My endo doc always asks me if I got a copy and will make me one if I don't.  PCP doc will give me a copy of tests but only if I ask.  The only time I've ever heard of having to pay is when it's an accident report or an exam requested by an insurance company.
My lab will send them to me for free.  My RD will make one copy of them for me for free, but if they need to send the records anywhere (copy & mail, or fax) I am charged per page.  It's been adding up now that I'm on disability and they have to fax like 7 pages a month to the disability insurance provider.  They also charge for the doctor's time to fill out disability forms and such.My doctors office said my file would cost but they won't charge me that since i am a regular lol, it was my family doctor.
The worst part is that my allergist wanted the papers and i was sent to him by the family doctor.
it's a shame when they want to charge you.  Can't they just fax copies?
Faxing and copying aren't free.  Depending on their equipment, service contract, etc it can cost them anywhere from a dime to a quarter per page to make copies.  Add onto that the cost of the staff member who has to do the copies, and it can add up quickly.  Where I work, we have a copier/fax machine under a service contract.  It's a full-service contract, and it costs my company about 10 cents for every page I print or copy (plus the cost of paper and toner).  Smaller, low-volume workgroup printers (such as the typical copy/fax/printer in a doctor's office) typically have higher per-page costs.  It quickly adds up.  I have no problem with them charging a modest amount for copies.

Ok--here I go again.  I think it is a cost of doing business.  If I own a restaurant, then I should charge for a fork and knife and extra if you want a spoon.  Napkins extra too--it is paper.  Actually doctors have been charging ins. companies and lawyers for copies since forever.  That employee who makes those copies has to be there anyway.  In my GP office, I have stood at the window upon arrival and have been ignored while the person is playing on the internet on the computer.  Hummmm.  Why can't they e-mail the files from one dr to the other dr?  Next they start charging more to write a rx.  I feel really bad for someone who doesn't have the extra money for this folley--such as someone on dbl.  If I say hi to my orthopedic surgeon at the stop sign, he charges me. I'm gonna let him repair the miniscus tears and then I'll never say hi to him again................................LEVEmail is not secure - do you want your information traveling unencrypted through the internet?  It would be nice if all doctors' offices used the same software packages and subscribed to the same secure data services so they could securely exchange information, but we're not there yet. Catnip2
I agree 100% it's the cost of doing business!
First off, each state has a dollar figure regulation for copying medical fees.  In NH, it's .50 a page.  Can't think what the minimum charge is, I want to say ?  I don't know, my memory isn't working tonight,lol.  Anyway, you can look it up online.
My Rheumy sends me a copy of all my tests, my PCP, charges for everything.  It is, what it is. 
My health care provider now offers encrypted, online patient services.
I used it for the first time yesterday to retrieve results of blood work done the previous day at the RD.   
