Hormones & RA--Maybe TMI | Arthritis Information


So my hips were super painful for the first time ever after I went swimming about a month ago.  I was limping around for 3-4 days.  I swam two weeks later, only about 6 laps, and I was okay.  That Saturday and the one after, I was walking around a lot at my son's soccer game, swinging him around, felt pretty good. moving a lot.  My wrist and ankle are always bad to some degree, but the hip pain basically disappeared.  If I try to work out other than walking, they do bother me, but it takes more

So today it is back, all of a sudden.  And I'm thinking, "what did I do?"  I walked around some, played with the kids, but no more than the last two weekends.  Then I thought about the timing of my periods.  I am about 6 days past the start of my cycle, and I imagine estrogen is at its lowest.  Almost the same time that the hip pain started last time.
So I'm going to monitor this theory, and see if it pans out.  I am remembering the first time that my hips were hurting was in March, and that was also episodic, and I'd tied it to sit ups I'd tried to do.  But then a few weeks later, I did some without problem.  Was probably around the same time of month in March.
Maybe I should go on the pill!
Found something about it here: http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/158/13/1405?ck=nck
So I should probably keep swimming! :)
Yeah,  I definitely think our hormones have something to do with it... I know I feel like crap the week after my period, I think estrogen is lowest then I recall? Also, estrogen is only one of a gazillion hormones that has fluctuates with our "cycles"--soooo yeah.... I think birth control helped a little bit with my morning stiffness, personally... I too think your menstrual cycle has alot to do with ra. I always hurt worse a few days before my period and then during it, it's hell week. I have always had bad periods, painful cramps, it's heavy, and I am a BIT#*!Yeah, me too! 
When I flared, it was pre-cycle.  And it would ease up in a few days after it commenced.

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