Greek Island Lab's Natural Joint? Question?? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone here had DIRECT experience with the product 'Greek Island Lab's Natural Joint'?

If so, with what results?

Your feedback will be appreciated!

any replies here?I am wondering if you ever tried the Greek Island Lab's Natural Joint product.  We have been researching it and would appreciate your input.

It has been a long time since this question was asked, but still thought I would reply in case someone is interested. 
I have been using the Greek Island Lab Natural Joint for about a year now.  And it has made a tremendous difference in my knees.  I used to more or less fall into a chair. And my knees would sometimes simply give out on me causing me to fall.   Now I can sit down properly.  MUCH less pain. And they never give out.   I find that if I combine this supplement with the New Chapter Turmeric I do even better.  The New Chapter Turmeric is an unusually good natural antiinflammatory.  The two together make my knees 80 percent bettter with few flare ups.  I have osteoarthritis.
I haven't tried that one but I've been taking Ultimate Joint Relief by Dr Pauls Naturals with great results.
I notice it if I don't take it for a few days.The stiffness and inflammation return quicklyHI,
I tried Greek Island Supplement for about 8 mths. no difference noted except the money I spent .