taking its toll | Arthritis Information


hi all i was looking through my fishing licenses today
i buy one every year for membership.. each one has my pic
on it.. looking back and to the present. i see long term illness
is really showing not just the joints but on my face..
the pains strain and stresses seem to have caught up
on me..  just grumbling..

Boney... Boney, I think what you just shared is the 'real' stuff of this disease. I think we need to share more of it. I think it's honest.

hi cordelia.. everyday i look in the mirror but on a daily basis the strain
is not so much noticed or maybe ignored by myself. not wanting to see
or admit to the changes.. but looking at my pics brought reality home..
to much going on whith this disease...

i read you are having a real bad time. i hope this can be sorted for you
and your son..
yes a warm summer night sitting on the river bank just fishing for hours enjoying the quiet and sounds of the river and the house lights not reallly caring if I  didnt even catch anything that is what I miss. Would love to be able to do it again but hubby not into it anymore and I would suffer dearly the next 2 or 3 days for it.hi snowowl when i first got ra i was told nothing. never had a pc.
i simply had no idea what was coming..

allthough i renew my lake membership every year i have not
fished for near a year.. but i will not give up my membership..
i think if i had fishing companions like  snowowl and doobgirl
we would assist each other...
from what you both say..  i am raring to go ...sounds great..


Same here, time, stress and heartache has taken it's toll on me as well.Save for the slightly emaciated look I had when I came off chemo, I'm not too worse for wear. But when the symptoms hammer me, even if I looked like some handsome movie star it wouldn't matter.  Yes I agree, I have gone from superslim, lithe athlete ha ha, well sort of, to superbig Michelin man - steroids love me.  XXXX  Check out pic on photo thread!!!!  I will not give up, if you check it out , then you have to post your own hahhahhahhahhah  Janie.
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