Brain Fooog | Arthritis Information


Anyone have any tips for quick things to get your brain back on track?

I have finals the next two weeks and my mind feels so fuzzy studying seems stupid. Blugh. Any help would be grrrreat Alternate rest, light exercise, and studying in small amounts. Even when you feel great, you still only absorb so much at one sitting. If you get through all your material, you can go through again in the same manner and refresh on the topics. If you can do a chapter's worth at a time, that's great. Slow and steady, taking a break in between, you can really do a great job. Snow Owl,

The timer idea is GREAT!  I wish I had thought of that when I was going thru nursing school.  There are so many great ideas on this board!
nothing to add to this great advice but sending you good wishes to do well in your finals.I used to write out the most important points.  It made me focus on what I was taking in, and would jog my memory later on the smaller things that went with it.  Good luck :)awww, thanks guys! <3 I didn't think about setting a timer or eating fruit, duuuh gypsy :) Good suggestions all! I don't know if you're a coffee drinker, but judicious use of caffeine can boost performance and memory.  Finals week probably isn't the time to experiment with it if you're not used to it, though.