johnathan | Arthritis Information


[QUOTE=Jonathan]I understand you dont, but your offering up information to possibly help others.  Can I ask why you try it for yourself?  Please understand I'm not condeming you, just trying to understand it myself

hi johnathan.. lets go back say 100 yrs when no meds were about
everyone was taking herbs and berries..  the people who got
rheumatoid were severly crippled .. these are the people who
would be called witches due to there deformities.. i am pretty sure
that if these herbs and berries worked we would be looking no further
today.. allthough people are taking suplements i have yet to see
anybody stop there meds. and live on supplements.. the nature
of rheumatoid is flares and remmision induced by meds.. if the herbs
or supppliments were as powerfull as steroids whith no side effects
some one would be a multi millionare overnight..
i have severe erosive rheumatoid.13yrs  i know there is no cure and the meds
can only slow proggresion and make a person feel better..
for some the supplements help for others they make them ill.
i was superfit before ra whithout supplements i deal whith this illness
whith plenty of PMA to quote your self...
i wonder how many people took there vits and supplements..
before rheumatoid and have beaten it...

a question for you.. before you busted your knee how many
supplements vitamins were you taking...

and if they worked so fantastic  why did you need to have
the product you mentioned when you joined the forum..

just wondering..  Boney

Boney, baby!

There are people controlling their RA with herbs vitamins and diet.  It's just too hard for some to really learn about it and/or experiment.  I mean, we hurt and hurt alot and most people can't take it to experiment.  I know I didn't.  But I have friends that have and it's amazing to see.
P.S.  Carry on!
Boney  i may have been my mum never said   Boney,
Sorry it took so long to respond was working then another baseball game.  Yes I have been taking suplements for years, I used them whan I played football, to work out and as I got older to just be healthy (I'm that that old 40 and feel like 20-25 act about 10).  There are pepole in other countries like Brazil where the poverty level is so low they cant even go to the doctors, yet they have a low cancer rate and live longer than the average American.  All they eat is berries,roots, and herbs and they get a lot less sleep then most of us also.  Their average day starts early working out in the fields where by the way the UV ray are higher than most places in the world (yet very low skin cancer) and they do to a 2 -3 hour break around lunch andthe work till late into the evening.  They normaly dont eat till very late 10-11 in the evening and party sotimes till 2-3 and do it all again the next day.  Most of the people live this way.  My whole point is no doc's yet lower cancer and higher life span, and yes there is illness there but not nearly as great in most of the world.  We are a world of convinience fast food, quickey marts and always chaseing the next way to make life easier.  Now you may say that ther rest of the world east fruits and vegis and I will agree there also, but even the orgainc stuff the soil is reused so much that the nutrients are depleted.  So what can we do?  One of the best solutions if possible is grow your own, that way you know it 100% oragainic and full of nutirents another is take the right vitimans and supplements.  There are a lot of companys that sell things thatare not exactly what they seem and most dont even get absorbed itno are bodies due to their delivery systems and get flushed down the toilet.  As far as my knee injury it wasnt going to prevent my ACL,MCL, and Platellia tear that can happen to anyone.  But yes if you research the rights vitimans and supplments they can help with some, maybe not all of you ailments.  I want to make it clear that I dont condem anyone for taking med's at all you need them for daily life and i get that, but my point is and I have said this before look for another solution along the way that will make you live longer and healthier.
I hope this answers your question, a little long winded.
You say you don't have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) you have 'arthritis'. I never heard of just 'arthritis'.
It seems you had a knee injury which required surgery.
Now you're going on about a low incidence of cancer in Brazil.
Why are you going to the trouble of visiting a doctor if you know better and have found your own remedy?
Why are you on a rheumatoid arthritis forum?
After my knee operation I still had a lot of pain and swelling for years and they kept telling me all I have is arthritis from the surgery.  I'm not sure what kind, but no one has ever mentioned RA.  The reason for my post is was addressing Boneys question about vitamins and herbs.
But herbs and vitamins might work for some people since RAers are all different and respond to different things, so those people wouldn't be instantly noticable in times of yore because they would look and live like everyone else, so maybe herbs and supplements can work for some people.

I know a woman who's Mom controls her RA with eastern white pine needle tea. It's a remedy she learned from the First Nations people in Quebec.There are all kinds of things out there like that, and they may not work for everyone, but if the help a few those few win their fight.hi gimpy... pine needles..  does she drink them or use as acupuncture.. Hi Boney -
I was diagnosed 'early onset severe' in March of '06 - so a little over 2 years now.  I was on a walker at night 4 months after diagnosis and had to ues a wheelchair 3 times when I flew out of state to see another doctor in the 5th month.  NOT a place I want to see life from EVER again. 
I have one toe that moved left.  I'm gonna show my ugly feet to Linncn the next time I'm in MI so she can verify to a certain person here on AI who doesn't believe I have damage.  LOL
This other person controling her disease with vitamins and minerals has Palindromic RA.  There were others here on AI who were learning - but they were run off before we became much more 'accepting'.  Sigh,
Boney - most natural supplements are where Pharma developed our meds from.  Gold - antibacterial properties.  Plaq - anti-spirochette.  Coidial Silver (spelling) antimicrobial.  Cinnamon - antibacterial.  Grapefruit Seed Extract - antibacteria.  Tumeric - anti-something or other.  Enough of this stuff and you can indeed control the disease.  
Yes, I'm on Minocin as I was too far gone too quickly to try natural as what ever I had was moving through me like a freight train.
But I intend to 'maintain' with natural supplements when I get my cure.  And, yes, I truly envision a cure.
No, she makes a tea, as I indicated.

Maybe you should try something different, Boney, since you can't take the meds anyway. What have you got to lose?hi pip i only wonderd as i thought maybe you have had ra many years
and it has burnt out. but such people have severe joint damage..

i agree that lots of meds have plant extracts in them, what i am saying
plant extracts are not enough on there own..

i see on a recent post.. fish oils should be used more . due to being
good anti inflamitory .. but allthough the poster was taking the oil
when prednisone was reduced ra flared. so just how anti inflamitory
is the fish oil.
pip from my own experience whith ra . it can demolish your joints
whith in a very short space  of time.. no matter what the meds.

2 yrs is very early on for a disease that lasts a life time.
i wonder how long the body can take mass doses of antibiotics..
or is it a case of like most drugs the ra simply takes over or the
body rejects the meds..

my ra is now being controlled by pred which i consider not
very good.. i have no other dmrds disease activity is said to be low
but still taking 20mg pred 1 day 10mg 6 days
i  have decided to ask rheumatologist about ap..
as i have a lot going on and needs to be assesed.

what do you mean to far gone to quick.
do you think what you had moving through you was
possibly ra... and inflamation.. this is the nature of ra..

you say you have no joint damage.. i hope you remain this way.
it will be interesting to see in 2-3yrs time wereyou are at..

1 question  i have done all my dmrds and may try ap..

you have only had ap what will you do if this dmrd stops working.
or ra goes into flare..

i will have the pred along whith ap..

Boney I use fish oil to control my inflammation and it totally works for me. My knee was twice it's size and other anti-inflammatories did nothing. After 3 months of fish oil anything swollen went down, including the knee. I have never taken pred.

If I get a bottle of crappy fish oil (ie. CostCo's) I can tell because my inflammation comes back.hi gimpy.. internal accupuncture... Boney, good for you! I anticipate miracles!gimpy interesting similarity there between your crappy oils

and the crappy copies of my meds.. [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] After 3 months of fish oil anything swollen went down, including the knee. I have never taken pred.

gimpy i hope you have hidden this oil from the man in your life..
