Chapped, Itchy lips? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone run into a problem with their meds (specifically Enbrel or Arava) causing itchy, chapped lips? I know this sounds weird. I've been on these drugs for almost two years now too. I don't know if it's maybe all the pollen in the air or what. I haven't changed my soap, makeup, lipstick, lotion, laundry detergent and all of a sudden about three weeks ago I got super chapped lips. They finally stopped the chapping but now they itch like crazy and it's all sort of pink and irritaed around my lips. Weird. Always somthing. I was just wondering if any of you've had this. Today I started putting vitamin e oil on them - see how that goes. Otherwise I put Lanacaine on at night so I can sleep!Ya know, someone was just saying something about that.  Of course I can't remember who or what meds they were on.  Yeah.  So I guess this post is of no value to you.  Sorry. I find that my lips are very sensitive. If I don't use chap stick with a sunscreen and I am outside for a bit of time they easily burn. Could that be your issue?I don't think they got sunburned. Someone told me though that chapstick and vaseline don't actually ADD moisture but they act as a barrier and hold in the moisture that you already have. I tried Aquaphor and that seems ok, the lanacaine just numbs it. I wish I could get rid of that silly pinkness around my mouth though. It almost looks like I have my lipstick smudged all over.Honey. i had problems with enbrel and itchy lips, Mine turn very red and sore. They have been fine since i stoppped the enbrel but a vitamin oil i bought helped a lotHave you changed toothpaste at all?  I had a weird rash around my mouth a few years back.  Nothing helped.  The doctor wasn't sure what it was.  I checked in with my good friend Mr. Google and found that someone had a similar looking rash caused by an allergy to an ingredient found in most toothpastes.  I had been using the same toothpaste forever, but apparently needed a little break from it.  I switched to one that did not contain sodium laurel sulfate.  It's called Squiggle, but there are others as well.  Within a week of using it the rash started clearing up.  I finished up the tube and was able to go back to regular toothpaste afterward.   Maybe you are having an allergic reaction to your toothpaste...mentholatum works good or vaporub by vicks  i sleep in it everynight on my lips.  nothing moisturizes better. wonderwoman