A little better today... | Arthritis Information


Hugs to all of you. I can type a little now but am not going to overdo it & cause myself pain. So exhausted mentally and physically but reading what I can. Who knows if the extra Pred is helping yet? By tomorrow hopefully it will be obvious or not.  Hurray! Glad to hear it! Take it slow- don't overdoCordy, I've been thinking about you.  I didn't get to respond on any of your "hell" threads...when they get too long with replies, sometimes I'm just not up to it, but I have been thinking about you.  So glad you're starting to see the light again.  Take it easy and please take care of yourself. Hugs and rooting for you Cordy!

I am happy to see you are making progress.  You deserve a break!hi cordelia good to see you are feeling a little better

Boney   Glad to hear you are feeling better.
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