Antibiotics and RA | Arthritis Information


Back in 2005 I contracted a lovely strain of strep throat.  That bug kicked my butt pretty good.  I missed a week of work and did not want to do any thing but lay around.  The docs gave me some kind of anti-biotic to treate the strep.  I began feeling better and also noticed that I was in some kind of remission.  I thought it had something to do with the strep thinking that my immune system was too busy fighting it to attack me.  I actually did not take any RA meds for a week after the strep was cleared. 

Well about a month ago while surfing the web on treating RA, I noticed that some docs prescribe antibiotics to treat RA because they think it is a virus.  I am supposed to see my doc on June 30 and I am going to ask him to prescrib an antibiotic.  \\
Has anyone else experianced this?
Their are several people on this board who use antibiotics to treat their RA.  It's called AP or antibiotic protocol.  If you search posts for AP yopu should find a lot of info. Also, you should check out a web site called The Road Back.  It's devoted to AP and you'll find a lot of info there too.  Hi Prix!
They think it's a bacteria - a cell wall deficient bacteria that's hiding in our white blood cells.  Some of these AI diseases seem to be started by a virus and it's why I think we should also do a course in antivirals, but again, I'm the only person in the world who says that.  LOL
I use antibiotics to control my RA.  It saved my life.  If you have more questions, please, ask away!
P.S.  I tested positive to strep!
