
High levels of homocysteine are commonly found in patients with RA, thus accounting, at least in part, for the high rate of mortality for cardiovascular events in these subjects.

The H Factor
An elevated homocysteine level, or a high "H Score," predicts your risk of more than 100 diseases and medical conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and depression.

1. High Homocysteine Accelerates Oxidation And Aging
When you process just about anything in your body you end up with very unstable forms of oxygen called oxidants or "free radicals."

These oxidants cause oxidation (damage to blood vessels) and trigger many diseases, including heart disease, strokes, cancers, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Elevated homocysteine levels dramatically and directly increases free-radical oxidation as well as the damage that
oxidation causes.

2. High Homocysteine Damages Your Arteries
Elevated homocysteine levels can cause blood cholesterol to change to a very dangerous form called oxidized LDL cholesterol, which can severely attack artery walls. Elevated homocysteine levels can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke by as much as 70%.

3. High Homocysteine Weakens Your Immune System
Your immune system is usually very effective at fighting off a virus such as the common cold, an allergy, or a bacterial infection. Your immune system attacks these invaders, but it is, in turn, attacked by free radicals or oxidants.
Free radicals or oxidants speed up aging. The most important and powerful anti-aging antioxidant is glutathione. A low glutathione level, like a high homocysteine level, is linked to increased risk of death from all common causes.
By lowering Homocysteine, you can effectively increase glutathione levels.

4. High Homocysteine Damages Your Brain
Your brain is one of the most sensitive organs in your body and is highly prone to oxidation. Elevated homocysteine levels dramatically and directly increase free-radical oxidation.
For example, Alzheimer's disease appears to be essentially an inflammatory disease, indicating increased oxidation. An elevated homocysteine level is an independent risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease.

5. High Homocysteine Increases Pain, Inflammation, And Blood Clotting
The main inflammatory messenger of the body is a hormone called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with inflammation by promoting an increase in PGE2.

6. High Homocysteine Increases Risk Of Cancer And Creates Problems With Detoxification
Just about every cancer known is linked to glutathione deficiency, and many are linked to high homocysteine. Gluthathione is essential in detoxifying the body and helping repair damaged DNA. If you have a high Homocysteine level, and therefore low glutathione, you are at an increased risk of getting many kinds of cancer and of premature cell death.

7. High Homocysteine Results In A Faster-aging Brain
Elevated homocysteine levels are an independent risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. After age seventy-five, one in ten people develop dementia, the most common form of which is Alzheimer's disease, characterized by a rapid loss of brain cells.

8. High Homocysteine Is Linked To Hormonal Problems
Elevated homocysteine is strongly linked to estrogen deficiency, which is particularly prevalent in post-menopausal women. This may explain why the risk for heart disease is so much greater in women once they've passed menopause.

9. High Homocysteine Is A Sensitive Measure Of B- Vitamin Deficiencies
It is widely known that a lack of Folic acid, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 increases your homocysteine level. Your Homocysteine level is considered by many authorities to be the best, most sensitive indicator of your folate and vitamin B12 status-and perhaps your vitamin B6 status.

10. High Homocysteine Indicates A Deficiency In SAMe
As well as being the body's main methyl donor, (S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe, pronounced "sammy") is the brain's master tuner and is very effective as a natural antidepressant. SAMe also helps restore joint mobility and relieves arthritic pain, helps enhance liver function and protects the brain from damage caused by oxidation. Like glutathione and B-vitamin status, your homocysteine level is also one of the best indicators of your SAMe status. The lower the homocysteine level, the more SAMe your body makes.

http://www.gethsmart.com/hfactor.htmlHmmm...this same web site says methotrexate INCREASES your homocysteine levels. Damned if you do, damed if you don't.


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