Anyone take Minocin for RA treatment | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if anyone takes Minocin (Minocycline) for RA treatment?I think I'll just follow you around the board.  LOL

I'm on AP - Minocin.  It saved my life. 
What questions can I answer for you?  Also a few others of us here on AP or a modified AP so they'll probably jump in too.
I'm on "modified" AP---I'm an AP wanabee with aspirations!
Minocin has been a valuable addition to my therapy.
My Gol, THANK YOU for the reply.  I am sitting here stressing out.  Seems everyone is just posting on drama from a fight between two people.
Anyway, My Rheum wants to put me on Arava.  My gut was telling me no.  DOn't know why.  I am scared all this toxic stuff is just putting off the inevitable worse toxic biologics.  The antibiotic theory makes sense to me.  I asked Rheum Dr about it today.  She said some of her partners use it more, but that it isn't very effective.  She said it has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, but won't stop erosion.  The more I read at revolutionhealth and RBF websites, the more I think I want to try this FIRST.
I am going to call her tomorrow.  I am just nervous.  The Rheum. Dr along with my Immunologist say I have "an aggressive form" so I am scared if I don't do the MTX, pred and Arava, I will get worse, but then again, I am still feeling like S**T now, so what is there to lose?
Thanks for responding Pip!  I want to know more!
So you take Minocin with MTX and Plaquenil?  Do you do the 100 mg every other day?
I take 200mg Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night. Since I began doing that I have cut my MTX in half.

Amyid - they all say something like 'it doesn't work'.  At least she didn't tell you you were going to get Lupus, or hepatitis or your skin will turn blue.  Personally, I would happily be a Smurf if it meant no more pain.  LOL

I really think the time to try this is in the beginning.  Most newly diagnosed end up being 'early responders'.  I was.  And it's been over 2 years in sunny LA and I'm not blue!  Yet!
Tell me what you want to know!
I just want to put in that I would write about how great AP is more if I weren't so super-duper busy today. Don't take my briefness as reticence.I am starting AP.   I have my prescription in hand... I have had 3 RDs tell me no, I'm not a candidate, and 1 say ok. I agree that it's best to try it at the beginning, if one is interested, before the immune system is compromised by Mtx or biologics or steroids.   I hope to the gods that it works.I am also on AP.  I take minocin and plaquenil.  I take minocin Monday thru Friday mornings.  It has allowed me to cut my plaquenil in half so far!  I am doing much better on it. I was treated early in my disease and have been on it for a year now.
Good Luck!
Anybody ever here of Doxycycline being used ?I am also on minocycline. I, too, use it in combination with plaquenil. I have cut the plaquenil in half, and will probably stop it completely in another 6 months or so. I have been on AP since last October, and it is almost hard to tell there is anything wrong with me. I have no inflammation at this time, and the only pain is residual weakness in my right hand. I am doing acupuncture and prolotherapy for that hand now, and it is slowly, slowly getting better.
Try this. It can save yor life.
[QUOTE=6t5frlane]Anybody ever here of Doxycycline being used ?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I've seen people post that on Roadback.  Also it is mentioned in the "JRA bible", It's Not Just Growing Pains,  by Dr. Lehman.
If I had to hazzard a guess, doxy is used maybe 30% of the time, from the posts I've seen.  I think it's a 2nd generation tetracycline, but don't quote me on that. 
It's used a lot if people have high Lupus levels or if they had one of the rare side effects of Mino, like the skin started to turn blue.  The AP doc takes you off the Mino and puts you on Doxy (which most rheumies's fail to mention is a possiblity).  It works and about the same speed as Mino, as far as I can tell from posts.
Maybe some docs just like it better.  Most of the studies were done on Mino tho - maybe 1 or 2 on doxy.
From what I read, I understood that Tetracycline is 1st generation, Doxy is 2nd generation and Minocycline is 3rd generation. Mino is supposed to have the fewest side effects and be the most readily and easily abosorbed of the 3. But Doxy is cheaper and works too.oooh, I was right!  Good for me!
When Dr. Tom Brown started the AP therapy, there was no such thing as Minocin.  If you read the book, The New Arthritis Breakthrough, the story detailed in Chapter 6 is of a woman who takes Doxy instead of Mino.  She is still very well, she was a patient of Dr. Brown's and has been on AP and recovered from a severe case of RA.  Doxy works just fine!Oh my goodness. You got a whole bunch of your AP friends to sign up to promote it. Ok, who really has RA? Not Pip. Anyone else? Ohh, lets all say we are severe after all who will know?

As far as "tapering" goes, what a joke. I think someone here has been tapering for a year. Gosh, people even taper off pred faster than 6 months. You market worse than the drug companies at least they have some rules they have to follow.

Find a good doctor and listen to them, not these quacks.Anna - please go away.  Or at least post as Anna.  You are becoming tiresome.  I can't wait to tell our ped rheum that someone on a message board says my daughter is not severe AND she doesn't have JRA!!!!  He will be so happy for her!!!!  And I can also have him alert the ACR that they have quacks among their's so hard to separate the good guys from the bad guys, when they all have the same credentials, isn't it?  Thank goodness there are people posting under multiple names on the internet to explain it all for you.  I don't know what I would do without them.  I really don't.  Please, don't ever stop posting.  It's invaluable, it really is.    