Anyone have foot surgery? | Arthritis Information


Someone brought up a post about a podiatrist and it got me to thinking. I have had major feet trouble all of my life and I was contemplating having surgery on my feet. My toes do not even touch the floor anymore because they are so bent up and I have a huge balls on the botton of my feet which make it very painful to walk. I would love to get this taken care of.

I wonder how many of you have had some sort of surgery and what the down time for foot surgery is? Are the benifits as good as they seem?
I have had 3 foot surgerys 2 of them being bunions on each foot , I was
out of work for 1 week with a boot on the foot for about a month after
that and it sure was worth it.
Your Dr will let you know how long you will be off your feet, depending
on the type of surgery he/she does.
Yeah, I had foot surgery back in 92.  I'd had RA for 15 yrs by then.  The deformities in my feet were affecting my walking.  Had 2 hammertoes straightened, and the big toe straightened which involved removing part of the bone and fusing the joint.  Outpatient surgery.  Pain pills get you through the post op pain, bout 24 hrs.  You wear a "big shoe thing."  You can hobble around.  Important thing -- get a good ortho surgeon.  Good luck w/whatever you decide.

I have the same thing going on Cah....feels like I have a huge rock under each foot.   My doctor has suggested surgery and  I know it has to be done, but I'm a big baby and keep putting it off.

Thanks for the responses.
Kelstev- Did you doc say what that bump is? Mine is getting so big my toes don't touch the floor.
Maimi-Good to hear it was worth it for you. Foot surgery is such a tough decision.
No she didn't...but they've become very calloused now.  I know I heard something from her about the metatarsal (sp) bone?  I think that's what she's caused a huge space between my second and third toe.  I also have a pretty bad bunion which has now caused my big toe to not only turn in, but now it's curling upwards.
Very difficult to find shoes...especially ones that I like. kelstev2008-05-15 08:27:56I hear ya! I have bunions on both sides of my feet, that bump under both and all of my toeos are hammered. So they rub on the sides and the worst is the tops of the knuckles on my toes. They have formed little red round nodules on them from the shoes rubbing them. I can't find shoes. The only shoes I can wear are tennis shoes.
I can't even walk on my hard wood floors barefoot. I think it is time to do something. Although I have an HSA so I don't know if I can afford the surgery anyway. I have had both feet operated on. My problem was heritery. My arches were too high. I had both arches lowered 1.5 inches and my heal bones had a wedge taken out to straigten them. I still have a few problems now and then, but for the most part I can walk again and drive a car. I spend 6 months each time in a wheelchair and I still pull it out when I have a bad day. But the constant pain I was in when I walked is not there anymore. I had callouses on both feet that broke open and were in danger of getting infected.  I had hammertoe surgery on each foot.  The result on my left foot is a huge,  chronically "swollen" big toe, the callous (sp) went away but the screws came out of my toes and I still have hammer toes on both feet.  My RD told me that I have had RA for years and nobody picked up on it.  I will not see that podiatrist again!  I did go to a shoe store that specializes in foot problems for a pair of good shoes.  I ended up with orthotics, and what I call my clown shoes, oxfords with big toes that turn up and have an extra sole due to rocker soles which are inserted  under the original sole. They are spongey things and are supposed to help with stability, but they just make me lose my balance.  Now, with warmer weather I will hav to go back to the orthotist and get shoes for summer.  I am a shoe freak and it breaks my heart that I can't wear any of my nice shoes anymore.  Well, at least I can walk and am grateful for that.  I had a boot for about six weeks with the foot surgeries.  It is more of an inconvenience than anything.  I got a plastic "boot" to pull on when I was in the shower.  The top  is very tight around your leg and doesn't let any water in.  Helps a lot.  Good luck, hope you can get some relief. 
Maimi-Good to hear it was worth it for you. Foot surgery is such a tough decision.
I was in so much pain I would have done anything to stop it.
My feet still has pain at times but not like before.
I had bunion surgery on one foot a bit before I was disagnosed with RA.  I also had a neuroma removed same foot different toe a the same time.  The surgery went fine & that foot is better than the other one.  Recovery was paintful.  I was out of work for 7 weeks--that was lovely! I am not going to have the other one done but it was worth having done.  My toe was numb for awhile after have the neuroma removed and it is supposed to be numb forever--but guess what---it is not!  The feeling is back. 