who knows what supplements we shouldn't take? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone found a link or done any research on vitamins, herbs and other supplements that we shouldn't be taking?    For instance,  are antioxidents good or bad for us?  Jodi, when you say "we shouldn't take", do you mean we shouldn't take because it could make RA/inflammation worse?  Or do you mean because they could interfere with our meds?  Or are you speaking generically, as in "too much Vitamin x can cause a toxic reaction"?I mean things that keep the drugs from doing their job.    The only answer I have about that is one preliminary study that showed the supplement SAM-e (which I take) might interfere with mtx (but was not conclusive).  I'm no longer on mtx, but I wondered if it might cause issues for similar meds (Arava, and Imuran which I'm now taking).Coffee can interfere with the efficacy of MTX Rx2Heal2008-05-15 11:22:33antioxidants help decrease inflammation. I think we need to watch how much we take of certain vitamins. I also question these weight loss herbal formulas and how they affect our endocrine system in general. They can't be good if you are on pred or thyroid meds. For the safety issue - check this and others like it for counterindications

The best thing in the world for us is probiotics, I've found.  Go to the Vitamin store, head for their refrigerator, and get one with the most strains and the most live cultures at encapsulation.  Try to eat probiotic foods like good quality yogurt. 
Also, look at your lab panels - what are you low in?  I was low in potassium and magnesium and added it in and my RLS is mostly gone (except the night before mense). 

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