ROM exercises for wrists | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have any good ROM exercises for wrists?

This is my worst area and I don't know any.
My daughter sleeps in a night splint for her wrist - do you have one of those?  Otherwise, it is better to use it normally when you are awake.

Everything they did for her wrist in OT involved stretching or weight bearing in a stretch so it would bend.  I 'bend and stretch' it after it has warmed up in the bath, too.  You can hold a hand weight and try to raise it up, too, for strength.

I hope some adults have some ideas - pretty much all of her OT was activities to make her stretch her wrist - an adult could just stretch it.

I bet your rheum has some kind of print out with exercises they could give you, too.
Wanna b free, If you go to and search Arthritis and Exercise. Click on specific exercise instruction for the wrist. Shows picsGreat info thanks!Playing the mandolin!
I have two quartz spheres about 1.5 inches in diameter that I roll around in the palm of each hand with my fingers.  It's a good ROM excersize for the wrists and the finger joints and it's a pretty random motion so it avoids problems with repetitive motions.
I recently went through OT with a hand and wrist specialty therapist.   There are pre-exercise warm-ups called "glides".  I haven't researched them to see if they are on the web somewhere , but the one specifically for the wrists was to hold one forearm straight up, with the elbow bent (like half-surrendering on one side LOL), then tip the hand back towards you at the wrist, hold this position, and swivel it around to the front, circling around on the outside of your hand, so your palm is now face up. but still bent.  Take your other hand and gently stretch out the thumb.  Then straighten the hand up again to the starting position, and do again - the script was 10 on each hand, 2x a day.  Hope this made sense - I still do them in the car on my way to work at stop lights :)  Cathy justsaynoemore2008-05-16 04:24:09