dr took me off all RA meds | Arthritis Information


I broke my foot right after Thanksgiving. For some reason our house grew steps I knew nothing about. So since the last of November I have been hobbling around in one of those boot walking casts. I went to Ortho last week and my foot is not healing, not one little bit. So he decides to do surgery, a bone graft and some screws. He said I had to get medical clearance from my pcp first. She said I have to go off all my meds!



I am sorry you are in sooo much pain. I have not been in your situation
but I feel for you and I only hope they get get you back to a stable and
tolorable situation soon. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


Sorry to hear you are hurting so bad. No wonder though , I can't believe they cut your prednisione so quickly. Maybe b/c you need the surgery urgently?

It usually takes awhile to cut down the dose of your Prednisone.Is there anything you can take for the pain til you adjust ?

I'll be thinking of you.


take care,


I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain.  It sounds awful.  Why not call your MD to see if he can increase or change your pain meds?  It's worth a try.  Hope you feel better soon.  Please keep us updated.

Take care.


Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i have had alot of sugerys and our medications do hinder healing so yes they do take us off the meds and yes it is painful. I am due for sugery again on my right foot so i am going to be prepaired and have my doctor put me on pain medication to ease the pain. I am not into pain meds but being off the arthritis meds the pain is awful so ask for a pain medication you think will work. You will do ok, and don't let the pain get you down because we are pretty strong.

The biggest problem I can see is that you've been walking on it.  You need a real cast, not a walking cast, and you need to be non-weight bearing 'til you're healed, sorry to say that's about 8 - 12 weeks.  Ask your surgeon to get a bone stimulator for you.  It's a hollow 12" cube that you wrap around the afflicted limb for an hour a day & it helps to stimulate bone growth.

Good luck, I hope that your doctors relent on the prednisone.


 I know exactly how you feel and my heart goes out to you! I had to go off all my meds too when I had to have surgery. I had forgotten how painful the RA is. I'm still not on anything for it and I go to see my RD this coming tuesday, but I don't know if he'll be able to do anything because I can't go on anything that will lower my immune system because of another disease that I have. I hope that there is something that he can give me, but until I am completely healed from the surgery that I had (had it on Jan 13- just got the staples and stitches out yesterday) I can't go on prednisone either.

Talk to your dr. about increasing your pain meds. There is no reason why you should be made to hurt for such a long time. After the surgery ask for morphine as much as they will give it to you!

Keep us informed on how things go for you.


Have you discussed a better coverage of pain killers or pain managements with your PCP or your RD for this right now?  I have been on Oxycontin for almost a year now for the coverage and to avoid further damage to my liver and kidneys.  

But, as far as the Pred goes... I too have been told that I can remain on it for surgery but, that it will take a bit longer to heal.   You may want to obtain another opinion on that one.

Take care and try to remain strong.


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