Hello, I need some answers | Arthritis Information


For the past few weeks I have been running a low grade fever, very very fatigued. My fingers when I try and bend them, they feel like there is bubble wrap or air pockets and it's very painful to bend them. My left index finger has turned toward the left just a little bit. My knees hurt, my back, my ankles and my toes. I get "bee sting" pain on the ends of my fingers when they touch certain temperatures. I have been tested for RA, it comes back negative but I have all the symptoms and I'm in so much pain. They keep telling me it's fibromyalgia but I know better. Fibro is more in the muscles and I'm not having that much muscle pain. Is it possible for tests such as ANA and RA to come back negative but still have symptoms and is there any other test I can ask for? I have not seen a rhuematologist yet, I'm still seeing my PCP. I could really use some help. Thanks,

Cindy Bea  HI CindyBea... sorry you had to find us... wish you weren't suffering.
I am Sero-negative RA as well.  I had a very high ANA at onset of a flare, but all my other RA markers come back negative..  My RD drew fluid from my knee and diagnosed me by what was he saw.
I hope you find answers.  I also hope you see an RD soon.
It's also possible that you may have FM and RA. Is there inflammation? That is the key sign of arthritis.  FM can and does profoundly affect joints--it does for me. They feel profoundly stiff and arthritic even though most of them are not. You need to have a rheumatologist do a workup.  Welcome! Hope you get your answers and feel better soon!Thank you everyone. I have an appointment tomorrow and will request an RD.Cindy, I'm glad you're going to request an RD appt, because they should be able to help you better.  I have sero-negative RA as well as fibro.  In diagnosing my RA, my RD looked at sed rate, CRP, anti-CCP, x-rays, and a nuclear bone scan, as well as the physical exam (which is the most important, IMHO!).  It does sound like something more than fibro is going on, so I hope you get some answers, and some relief, soon.Please go for a rheumy referral.  They really can help pin down whats going on.

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