I fell down! | Arthritis Information


Hello, my friends! I've been gone for a couple of weeks and I see so many new names! For those who know me, I thought I should sign on and let you know what's been going on with me.

I think I told you in Feb. about finding out I have Osteoporosis when I was diagnosed with 2 fractures in the left side of my pelvis. A few weeks ago, the right side of my groin started to feel much the same as the left had felt. I had mentioned it to my doctors, but they said just  to do as much as the pain would allow, the same thing they said about the fractures on the left.
Well, on May 5, I got up about 6:00 am, tripped over my cane, which had fallen across the floor, next to my bed. After tripping, I fell face first, onto the conversion box for my charger for my scooter. I reached up, felt 2 huge lumps on my face, and had blood all over my hand! I managed to crawl to my night stand to get my cell phone to call my husband. When he got home, I held ice packs to my face and told him I needed to go to the hospital. I found that the pain in the r. side of my pelvis was terrible.
Fast forward to the hospital, where they did CT scan of face, head, neck and x-rays of pelvis, ribs, etc.
Turns out I had 2 severe breaks in my pelvis. My face is still quite bruised, but no fractures, Thank God! Spent 2 days in hospital then they sent me to skilled nursing facility for a week. I just got home Tues. I had to make it very clear to them that I was going home, and they could send the therapists to my house.  That's what is happening now. I can't get up, except for therapy and to use the bed-side commode.
Docs said it will probably take about 10 weeks until I can put weight on my r. leg. Even  then, I will need a walker at the very least. That's because of the problems I had prior to the fall. Walkers, and wheel chairs are a permenant part of my life.
Enough about me! I hope you are all doing okay. I've missed talking with you all.
Love to all, and gentle hugs!
so sorry nini   hugs and kisses.    hope you will be better soon.   wonderwomanHI Nini, oh my God, you certainly did a good job on it, I hope and pray that you will recover quickly and don't suffer too much in the meantime.  What can they do for your pelvis, will that heal on its own?  Are you on something for osteoporosis, and have you or doyu still take steroids?  I am so sorry to hear this, the only good thing is we might hear from you a bit more, I miss your posts, prayers for you, love Janie. GEEZ Nini, I thought canes are supposed to help ya not hurt ya. I hope you heal up fast.Take care and tread carefully!
Nini , I am  so sorry to hear about your accident. I am sure at the time it must have been pretty scary. Have you thought about getting a button to wear on your wrist or neck? If not hon. it maybe time. I am so glad you are home and safe.....AnutNini,
So sorry to hear about your fall and fractures.  I've had a fractured sacrum -- very painful -- I hope you are comfortable.  Are you taking calcium and an osteoporosis drug?
Being in a skilled nursing facility can be a real drag, that was my experience, the only positive thing I can say about it is that I lost a lot of weight cuz the food was so terrible.  There's no place like home.  Hope you have everything you might need all within arm's reach.  Do you have a laptop?  That would help to pass the ten weeks till you're up and around again.  Good luck w/your physical therapy and please take care -- get rid of all throw rugs.  Oh dear, Nini...what a time you've had!!  Feel better soon...take care!ooooh ouch that sounds just horrible!!
feel better soon!!
Oh Nini, hugs and more hugs,
Thank you all for your kind words and concern. It always makes me feel better to hear from my dear friends on this board. You are all very important in my life!
I never thought I would be in this condition! Up until about 5 years ago, I had always been so active. I have had problems with my back and other joints for a long time, but I still managed to care for my family. It is sometimes hard to accept that I now must have help with things that were always so much a part of my life. I hate having to ask for help to do almost everything. But I am  so fortunate that I have such a loving family. At least I don't have to be in the nursing facility anymore!
Janie, thank you for your dear kindness! Yes, my pelvis should heal with just rest and some weight-bearing exercises. I have a walker, adapted with forearm attachments, which takes the weight off my hands and puts on my forearms. Even standing with my walker is good for me. I also am now taking Actonel for my bones. I'm allergic to Fosomax, unfortunately, since it is now generic. But at least there is the Actonel and other things for osteoporosis, now. 
I will return to answer more of you later. I'm getting very tired. I'm going to rest for a while.
Love to you all, and thank you so much for your support!
OMGoodness!!  You've certainly had a rough time of it.  I'm sorry you had this mishap..  Though I don't "know" you I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers..Wishing you a speedy recovery Nini. My goodness- sounds like you are out of commission! Hope you heal quickly and completely soon!I am sorry, Nini. I hope you recover fast and feel better soon.
Much hugs!
Just wanted to sign back on and answer some more of your posts and thank everyone for your kind wishes.
Joie, Yes I do take calcium and Vit. D plus Actonel once a week for bones. Just started the Actonel. You're right, the food in the facility was dreadful. I don't have much of an appetite these days as it is, but the food was very unappetizing!
My Sweetie got me a new laptop when I first hurt the l. side of pelvis, in Feb. It sure does help pass the time. My bones get sore just lying in bed all the time! It's good to have a distraction.
Therapy is going pretty well. I can already move my r. leg on my own, from a lying position.PS, I'm in California, too, San Diego County.
Pin Cushion (Lisa), Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I sure hope you are feeling better than last time I heard from you!
JSNM and Babs 10, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Lovie, RAFree, and Joonie, Your kind good wishes mean a lot to me!
Thanks again to all of you! Hope you are all feeling good today!
Much love to all,
Will pray for your quick recovery!  You seem to have a wonderful attitude and spirit.Hi Nini, fellow Californian!  Geez, wish I was down in San Diego, I'm up here north of Sacramento and its our 3rd day of 100 degree weather.
Good to hear your physical therapy is coming along, keep it up.  I've had both knees and both hips replaced so I know firsthand the importance of faithfully doing those exercises.
In addition to the RA, I have osteoporosis too, and also take actonel.  I have to be vigilant about getting 1500 mg of calcium each day.  I take some supplements and also try to get calcium from food and milk.  Ice cream sure sounds good right now -- for the calcium of course.
That's great that you have a laptop.  Day after day of being stuck in bed can get wearisome, but with a laptop you can communicate with the world -- there's Boney over in England and Bodak in Australia.  Can you watch video on your laptop?  So many websites have that now.
Well, take good care, and hope to hear another good progress report soon. 

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