Pain Meds | Arthritis Information


Just wondering how many people here take pain medication on a daily basis?

Is it OTC or prescription?
On a pain scale from 1-10 what number are you at when you feel you need to take something for pain?
I take Daypro 1200mg every day at the same time each day..  whether I have break through pain or not.. I am not permitted to take anything else but Tylenol (acetaminophen?) outside that due to blood thinning...I never heard of Daypro- what kind of drug is it? I am imagining it was designed for someone with  every single day chronic pain correct? I take tramadol as and when I need it.
My pain is thankfully intermittent. I am silly in that I will soldier on until I'm in a lot of pain but I hate taking drugs if I dont feel I need them. GP says I should take it daily and Rheumy says I should take it when I need it.
On good days I only reach 2 on my 0 - 10 scale, my personal preference before I take anything is about a 5  on the richter scale, I think realistically should take it at about 3 because by the time I get to 5 I'm past the point of no return and then need lots. That said I hate the way I get the shakes when its getting into my system for the first couple of days.
I think I've probably reached number 8 on my scale, for me that means permanent pain, swelling, lots of tears, becomming withdrawn and going into my shell.
I am a chronic pain patient and have been for several years. Currently, I take 2 Methadone 10mg, 4 times a day. This is a scheduled med as I am always in pain. I also take Dilaudid, 8 mg., 4 times a day as needed for breakthrough pain. Usually, the Dilaudid is taken when my pain is 6-7 and my Methadone has worn off.
I am under the care of a pain management spec. and have for several  years.  
I take tramadol and muscle relaxers as needed. I will only take them once I'm hoe and not working or driving. I take Advil (Often up to 4 at a time) during the day as needed.
Since taking Humira I'm doing much better and haven't had to take it like I was the past few months.

I take Darvocet or Ultracets, neither really work. I only take them as needed. My darvocet says take 1 a day or as needed. SO... I take my pain meds as needed. One 30ct bottle of Darvocets last me almost 2 months.

I usually take mine when I am about a 5 or 6 on the pain scale, and then I have to be at level for a couple of hours or so. I some times think that the pain will go away by itself just like it started by itself, but that never happens LOL!
That sounds like a lot of pain you are dealing with on a daily basis! May I ask if you are dealing with RA alone or do you have other painful health conditions? How long have you had this/these conditions? Do you have a lot of joint damage?
wanttobeRAfree: Yes, I have had a lot of pain for a long time. I have several painful health conditions. I have OA, RA, Severe scoliosis, DDD, stenosis, neuropathy, fibromyalgia. As I said in another post, I also have recently- diagnosed Osteoporosis, which has made itself known in a very painful manner.
I have had my lumbar spine fused at levels L4 thru S1. I still have a lot of pain, though, due to the scoliosis. My r. shoulder is about 3-4 inches lower than my left, because of the scoliosis.; and I have lost 4" in height in the last two and a half years.
Honestly, my RA has done little damage, so far. Most of my joint damage has been done by Osteoarthritis, and is quite severe.
My rheumatologist is quite baffled, as there is no doubt that I have RA, but very little damage! My rheumatoid factor was 658 2 years ago. Last time tested it was about 350, and all inflammation numbers are always quite high. She says I am a "puzzlement".
Oh, I forgot, also have Sjogren's syndrome, as do many RA patients.

I take prescription pain medication daily, hydrocodone/APAP 10 mg/660 mg (Vicodin HP) three to four times a day.  With the daily pain medication, I would say my average pain level is 6-8.  Before I started daily pain medication, my pain level was often 8-9.  I am hoping to reduce the pain medication to flare-ups only if and when I'm able to get my RA, fibro and degenerative disc problems (under which I'm lumping stenosis and neuropathy too) under control.  I have tried stronger meds, including Dilaudid, but found they didn't do much more for me.

Although I don't consider them "pain meds", I'll mention that I'm also taking nabumetone/Relafen (anti-inflammatory like DayPro), Skelaxin (muscle relaxant) and Lyrica (anti-neuropathic).

OOFA Nini-that's a lot of issues. I did not know that besides making bones brittle that osteoporosis also caused pain. Sorry you have to deal with that level of pain on a daily basis. It has to be very tiresome as well.
My daughter has scoliosis too. She is fused and they were able to "crank" her spine from an "S" to so nice and straight people always comment what beautiful posture she has.  I think she was 45 degrees top 65 bottom when they operated. She was young and did quite well. I rememember when her shoulder was lower too. She complains about back pain now and again but it seems to be muscular.
Sounds like you have a lot of the same conditions as Nini. They sure are painful ones...pain levels at 6-8 with pain meds....I don't know what to say. Wish it wasn't that way for you.
Oh my gosh, I wish I could hug all of you.  My pain is daily, but at a low level and I only take naproxen as needed.  I'm in total awe as to how you all get through your difficult days, many with jobs and/or families.  You are an amazing group and I truly admire your stength.  Bless your hearts. 

Dear "RAfree", The pain from my osteoporosis is from the fractures and breaks  I have recently had to my pelvis. I don't think osteoporosis is, in itself, painful. The pain comes from the damage from fractures and breaks, which can happen easily.

Innerglow, I noticed before that we have similar health issues. I think Pin Cushion has many of the same ones, too. I can deal with things pretty well, usually, but these breaks in my pelvis have been very difficult for me. I can't do anything for myself right now. I can get up to exercise with my walker for short distances, with  help. Otherwise, I'm stuck in bed and have to have everything done for me. Can't wait til I'm better! I promise I'll be careful

Hugs to all!, Nini
I don't take any pain pills, so agree with Jesse and wish I could take away some of your pain.   That has to get be very hard to deal with every day.  Kudos to all of you.Oxycontin 20mg am and pm, tramal, and panadol regularly.   Like many here I have multiple conditions so I am never free of pain, it is hard wanttoberafree, hope you can get some real relief.  Best wishes, from Janie. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]I never heard of Daypro- what kind of drug is it? I am imagining it was designed for someone with  every single day chronic pain correct? [/QUOTE]
It's just an NSAID.. I am fighting taking anything else.  I want to continue to work and be able to drive myself to and home.  So, I use splints and support on my ankles and wrists when they are bad... I really don't want another med if I can hold off as long as possible.  IDK how long that may be w/ stenosis and herniations ...  but I am trying.  Another reason why I jumped at the chance to take those biologics you hate I take ultram 2  times a day  morning and bedtime.. 2 tablets.. EVERY day if I dont I cant get caught up to the pain.
 for breakthrough pain I take a vicodin mid day if I need to.. occasionally just 2 more ultram will work..
I have always  heard you want to prevent chronic pain rtather than relieve it..
hi wannabe i take co,dydramol every day for 13 yrs
i take 2 wheni get up in the morning . then as needed through the day
i allso have trammadol but made me ill and gave me headaches  I am in constant pain and take Vicodin 750 four times a day.  I've been taking it for 8 years, so the effectivensss has greatly diminished, but it still helps to take the edge off.
Recently I increased two of my daily doses to 1150 mg and it is definitely bothering my stomach.
Before I was on Aleve or NSAIDs, my pain was about a 7.  I was taking Tylenol and Darvocet, which were truly useless.
Now my "pain med" is Mobic (an NSAID).  With it, my pain level is 1-2 when resting and only 3-4 when doing certain things with my hand (that I should avoid!)
I'm hoping that Mobic continues to work so well for me.  I went from not being able to write or make a fist to being able to function. 
I too feel for those of you who are on true pain meds daily.  Will pray for you!
Janie, I noticed before that we had many of the same issues, too. Maybe that is why some of us feel a bond, though we only know each other through the board.
Although, I must say that I feel a strong bond with several of our friends here, whether I know their health history or not. I believe that most of us have a certain compassion for others who are suffering pain, because we have a greater understanding of it.
I hope you all have a comfortable evening.
Hugs to all, Nini
I take 7.5/500mg hydrocodone (generic vicodin) a few times a day. Sometimes none at all. Depends on the day and the weather. Usually take it first thing in the morning just to get a jump on the pain. I'd say now that I am on enbrel pain and stiffness have went from 7or 8 to 4 or 5. My energy is much better since enbrel. I have had some major flares with pain about a 9/10 where I am crying and have heating pad on and can't move out of recliner. I also have muscle relaxers which I take twice a day and that really helps me alot.
take care
Joonbug, they only prescribed 1 Darvocet a day?  Girl, that would do nothing for me.  Are you highly sensitive to medications?
Pre-Enbrel, my daily pain was about a 2-3.  That was while I was on Relafen (NSAID) every day.  When I flared, the pain would vary from a 6-7 in the middle of the day to a 9 in the mornings and in the evenings (seriously).  It always hurt SO BAD that I would want to go to the ER.  I always thought if it hurt just a little more, I'd pass out.  My RD gave me Darvocets which did nothing, then the 5 mg Lortab which really didn't help much either.  I found if I took the Relafen with 1 1/2 or 2 of the Lortab when I was at my worst, it helped some.
Post-Enbrel, my RA pain is generally a 0.  It may climb to a 1 right before my next shot. 
 hi, been going back thru the posts, catching up.

It seems like either people are at the high end or very low end.. either they have a high tolerance for pain or just lucky!!

I'm not in a great mood today, LOL. bc i'm soo f exhausted, after sleeping, 15 hrs,  A Day, for the last 3 days on and off.

and noo, darlins, i can't fight it.. When i go out, for only a couple of hrs, this is what i get.. and its not straight 15 hrs..

its usually crash in the evening, thinking a "nap", ya know 2-3 hrs and waking up like 9 hrs later.. soo weird..

part of me, is letting go, bc i am a natural night owl, but when i can't sleep until 5 am and up again at 7.. arghh, then back to sleep an hr or two later and waking up late afternoon.. its making me cranky


OHHH the post.. :P.. pain.. always daily.. no let up at least 5-6 on pain scale, usually i think 7 .. times going up to 8-9..

it never stops, and i'm on major pain meds,  Opana, 2x a day, for chronic pain, plus all the others i have ready.. vicodin, valium, daravacet..
I'm soooooooo beyond tired of this disease... seriously
Calgon just take it away!!!!!!! done, be gone!!
i want A life back!
Whispered2008-05-18 13:32:33It's almost like people respond to NSAIDs, or not....and the narcotics just don't totally do away with the pain.After reading all these posts I have been saying a prayer at night for all of you suffering relentlessly and say thank you to God for being one of those who so far- is not.
I sure wish a miracle drug would be found.
i TAKE NAPROXYEN AS NEEDED FOR INFLAMATION oops sorry for caps and hydrocodone 5/350 for pain as needed, My pain when I am walking or standing is usually a 7 or higher and since  I also have fibro I try to bare the pain till in tears unfortunatly then the meds usually dont even phase it. cymbalta seemed to help but was allergic to it. lyrica did nothing eitjher and am in the    process of changing  rhuematologists for numerous reasons. so who knows.I use the fentanyl patch and oxycocet for breakthrough pain.