Who has taken Cellcept aka mycophenolate | Arthritis Information


I am thinking about asking my doc to add in cellcept to my remicade infusions.  I have had 4 infusions over 3.5 months now and they do help although not enough and they only last for about 2 weeks.  I am in a never ending battle with chronic uveitis as well caused from the inflammation from my sarcoidosis.  There are 1 or 2 people on my sarc board using it but I think I remember reading that some people here are also on it as it can be used for a variety of ai diseases.

So, if you have or ever been on it, could you please tell me if it helped you, how long it took to see results and what side effects you had?  Thanks in advanced!!

michele, I'm glad you're getting some relief although I hope you and your doc can find a way to make it last longer.  I haven't been on cellcept, but I'm pretty sure my stepson has (serious eye issues due to relapse of Stevens Johnson Syndrome).  I'd love to tell you what his experience was, but unfortunately our communication with him is somewhat limited, even about his medical condition/treatment.  However hubby and I will be over there a week from Sunday and I will try to find out for you.  Hang in there!Thanks!  I was googling about my chronic uveitis and did read they it is a treatment for inflammatory eye problems which is why I think it may be a good addition for me.  I'd love an update if you hear any info from your son! Michele, I did ask him about the CellCept, but unfortunately he doesn't even remember it.  They now have him on Zenapax infusions, an immunosuppressant which has had some success in treating recurrent eye inflammations.  I don't know if they could give you that with Remicade, or if it might be beneficial to switch, but maybe you could "ask your doctor".
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