Anyone Looking Forward.... | Arthritis Information


Raise your hand if you are looking forward to wamer weather?

*raises hand* I AM I AM!!! But I am so not looking forward to this rain that comes with it.
I seem to do better winter wise, but not this winter. SO.... I am hoping summer is my lucky season Both hands raised!!!!!!
Here it rained ALL winter and now it is raining ALL spring!
Both hands for me as well  - it was a long, cold winter.   I think I can finally put away winter clothes and take out summer-wear.   Me too!  I'm always ready for warm weather.  I wouldn't mind summer if the temp stayed in the 80s or even the 90s, but right now we're having a heat wave -- today is day 3 of 100 degrees.  Definitely ice cream weather, but trying to abstain and lose some weight.  Sigh. Both hands up here!! I so want to be warm.It is about 65 today but
so windy, which makes it feel colder.
                                                        Even if I could raise my hand (which I can't cuz my right arm would object strenuously), I have to say no, I don't want the warmer weather.  It's been in the 60's and 70's here and that is warm enough for me.  Autumn is my season....crisp cool days and chilly under-the-blanket nights.
Agree that sweating is bad.  But just remember, men sweat, ladies perspire!  (I don't like perspiring either!)
Both hands and a foot here!  And I'll take some of the excess rain many of you are having.  We're still in a bit of a drought here in western North Carolina.  Jesse882008-05-17 mom always taught me that Horses Sweat, Men Perspire, and Women GLOW.
I love the summer.  I have Raynaud's and I don't do well in winter.  My foot that has been hurting for years (probably RA, come to find out) is always much more painful in the winter, and that's when my wrist started flaring...
I used to live in New Orleans, and one of my favorite things to do is to get into a hot car where the heat just envelops you!  I am weird, I know. [/QUOTE]
Katie, well that's absolutely the best, cuz you know I love to GLOW! Well... when I "GLOW" I smell LOL! I offend my own nose some times!
I will be like what is that smell?! and then I will notice it is me.
I would like to state for the record.... I do take a showers every day and every evening.
only as long as it stays below 75 degrees. otherwise asthma kicks in really bad.
I HATE heat.. once youve stripped nekkid  theres no place left to go..
Joonbug, maybe it's your nose that's the problem.  I'm more sensitive to smells, sounds, light and everything else since the onset of my fibro and RA.  What does hubby say about your "perfume"?Ahhh... he hardly ever smells it. The reason I get stinky is because I take a shower at night and then scrub the deoderant off my pits... so I do not have anything to keep me from sweating while I sleep at night.
I have a VERY good sense of smell. I can smell things no one else can smell. Things others can smell... seem to be really strong to me. Some things I can smell and seems like the smell lingers around and it will make me sick to my stomach or even give me a bad headache. Ketchup is one of those smells. If someone leaves their plate on the table and it has a little bit of ketchup on the plate I can smell it in my room and it will make me feel sick until I get rid of the smell.
Joie and snowowl.. where do you live that it gets that hot?
Please don't tell me Dallas TX area... because we could be moving there before year end..
I love the dry warm days.. but humidity isnt pleasant.. 
[QUOTE=joonie]Well... when I "GLOW" I smell LOL! I offend my own nose some times! Joonie, after thinking about it, I looked it up and it seems that women are generally more sensitive to smells than men anyway.  So the good news is you won't scare hubby off!
I hate having sweaty underarms, um I mean glowy underarms, so I use a little cornstarch powder on top of my deo.  If you think the night time is the culprit, why not use some after the evening shower?
Any joonie I can sympathize about smells making you sick.  When my fibro first came on strong, I was on vacation with my ex and we walked by a Krispy Kreme (which I've never had) and the overwhelming smell bothered me so much, I had to get away and sit down for 20 minutes, clutching my nauseated tummy.  These days if hubby makes microwave popcorn when I'm not in the mood for it, I have to start spraying the whole condo with air deodorizer and holing myself up in the back bedroom til it passes.
I like it when it gets warm, but anything above 75 and I HATE IT!!!!  I love having my flowers blooming but hate the weeding.  My hubby told our daughter that she is going to have to help do weeding this year, because it is getting too hard on my knees for me.  I weeded the whole back section and then helped her with the front section, then ran errands because I knew if I sat down in my recliner I wasn't going to get back up!!!lolololol. I like sitting on the porch steps and feel the sun and wind on my back, I love looking at my flowers as they bloom, I love seeing the humming birds on their way up north, and I love seeing the kids out playing.  The only thing I really hate is the HOT HOT TEMPS.!
I live in central IL and it gets cold in winter and hot and humid in the summer. Spring and Fall are my fav seasons. 
