Good morning my fibro friends | Arthritis Information


Let me tell ya,I have been a whirl wind these last 2 days.This ultram does nothing for my pain but I feel better and am able to do things I haven't been able to do in awhile.My house is finally all clean,dog clean,brushed her teeth and clipped her nails.I have been wide open.may have nothing to do with the ultram,I was like this before I got sick in June.Busy little beaver,thats me.

But let me tell ya,come 3:00 yesterday my body said slow down you crazy woman.I hit my daughters very fluffy bed,climbed under some covers due to severe cold chills and then just past out for over and hour.I made myself get up and get back in the routine.I have to help Carrie bathe.Due to her brain injury she is very forgetful.Plus she is very nervous about shaving her legs,so I take care of that and a few other things for her.Put sweet smelling perfume on her,she loves things that smell good,brush her hair,do her proactive routine and remind her about deo. and brushing he teeth.She has short term memory loss.I hope that one day this will become routine to her it just takes alot of repition.

Anyway after that,I baked cookies,washed last bit of dishes ,took a shower and sat down and watched a movie all by myself.

Today we are off the Wet and Wild,the largest wterpark in the Carolinas.Jimmy got free passes since he is a city employee(fireman).Carrie is so excited.I am too but worried this will throw me into a bad flare.This place is huge and we will be doing alot of walking and we ride all the rides.Good thing I have lost some weight I won't feel so bad going this year.last year I was way over 200 pounds.I am down 60,still fat but I feel better and more relaxed about going.

Anyway,thats me and my life as of 8:26am.

I hope all my fibro. friends are ok today.

Love you all,