Methotrexate and pregnancy | Arthritis Information



I have finally decided to voice out my concerns by registering to this forum after 10 years of RA.  I am now 34.
I have known all the common ills: pain all over, corticosteroid injections in my hand, synoviorthesis, splints, bla bla bla.  I have been on sulphasalazine treatment and plaquenil also during those 10 years.  I have discontinued plaquenil some time back because of the risks of eye damage.  Now, my rheumatologist wants to put me on methotrexate.  From what I have read about this drug, I am very scared of the side effects (apparently can be very severe).  My other concern is pregnancy.  My doctor said to me that I should avoid becoming pregnant if I start this methotrexate treatment.  However I have read that pregnancy is possible if one stops the treatment 3 months before then, but is it safe?  It was my understanding from my doc that one should avoid becoming pregnant at all after starting methotrexate because of the risks of malformation...  I don't have any child and wonder if it's a risk worth taking in my case.  Presently, I have little pain but my RA is still active (high ESR of 55, painful and swollen wrist about two months ago...) and my doc says that I need lifelong treatment.
I would like to hear from people who have received similar warnings on methotrexate or who have become pregnant after taking methotrexate (or during the treatment).  Is safe pregnancy possible after taking methotrexate?  I would like to be reassured before embarking on this new treatment.  Please advise.
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Lily..welcome!
I have been on mtx for about 16 years now, but about 9 years ago I talked with my doctor about possibly becoming pregnant.  She said that as long as I was off mtx for at least 3 months I would be fine.  She said that I could take prednisone ( I was a few years back and my memory is terrible now)though throughout the pregnancy. 
Good luck,
If an unintended pregnancy is a possibility, then methotrexate is probably not the best option. You should be using two reliable methods of birth control if you take methotrexate. Plaquenil is used worldwide by women of childbearing age for the treatment and prevention of malaria and it has a good safety record.  Some antibiotics ("AP, or antibiotic protocol for RA treatment) can cause problems with an unborn child, the most notable being tooth deformity from tetracyclines.  Luckily the teeth don't start forming for a couple months into the pregnancy, which is more than enough time to stop taking the antibiotics and thus avoid the problem.

When I was pregnant a few years back, my rheumatologist said that steroids, acetaminophen and even opiates were OK to use during pregnancy.  Opiates can cause addiction in the newborn, but she said that an occasional vicodin here and there would not cause problems.  And there's always that pregnancy-induced remission to look forward to!
I know of several people who have gotten pregnanat after being on MTX with no problems to the baby.  The medication washes out of the system in about 6 weeks so the usual 3 months of a normal cycle is plenty of time to wait before trying.
As Jasmine mentioned you do need reliable birth control while on MTX.
Also always keep in mind that in RA the enemy is the inflammation not the pain.  Inflammtion is what causes the damage
[QUOTE=buckeye] Lily,
Welcome to the board. You didn't say when you were thinking about getting pg? If it's in the near future why not forgo starting the MTX until after you have the baby or babies you want. I got RA after the birth of our 1st DD and started on sulfasalazine. When we talked to the dr about having another child he told me to get off it. That was 19 years ago so maybe the info about being pg and on it is better. I was really miserable during the time it took me to get pg, 7 months. But the pg remission was wonderful. When I had the second DD, I went into a terrible flare and dr put me on MTX. A year later I had an unplanned pregnancy, when I went to the dr, he was upset, told me to stop the MTX immediately, I was already in pg remission which was how I knew, but I lost the baby at 3 months. No one ever said it was because of the MTX, but that's what I suspect. Good luck with your decision, there is nothing in the world like having a child. Our youngest is graduating from high school on Wed., it has been an amazing journey and neither one of them minded that mom had RA.Hi Lily! Welome to AI.
I was on MTX for about a year when I went into menopause at 33. I'm now 37. Luckily for me I had my children very young and was ok with it....but no one ever mentioned that this was possible. Had I wanted another child I would have been very upset.
It's rare but possible....just wanted to bring up something you've likely never heard before.
Just or the record; I love MTX. It's been a really good treatment for me; but I wouldn't (I) choose it if I wasn't really concerned about the RA progession. If you don't have a lot of hard to deal with symptoms there are other options out there that can also slow the progresion.
Again; Welcome.
Hi Kelly!
Thank you for your quick reply!  And what a lovely baby (in the picture)!!
I am reassured.  I know that I will have to take it some time or the other since I have already tried Sulphasalazine and Plaquenil.  Plaquenil worked well for me, but now that I have discontinued this treatment the symptoms are coming back.  I have been taking predisone for two months now awaiting my next appointment and my decision on the methotrexate treatment :-(.
I hope you are doing better too.
Best wishes,
hi lilly i just wanted to say welcome to you..

i can not get pregnant.. but if i did i would become a very rich man   Jasmine
I'm not downplaying the pain that is involved in RA but I see way too many people who seem to believe that just because the pain is minimal or controlled that the disease isn't progressing.  Plenty of irreversible joint damage can occur with just inflammation which is not always visible to the eye.  Pain is one of RA weapons and it is a powerful one but to win the battle against the disease you must stop the inflammation.

Hello to all!

That was quick!  I am glad to hear from you. I don't quite know how this thing work. I have started to reply to Kelly, and then I realise that I have so many messages and I may repreat myself.  So, this is my thank you note to all of you for your support.

I am not married and therefore, not planning to have a baby any soon but I am already coping with RA and wouldn't bear the dr telling me not having the possibility at all of having a child one day.  I was just worried about this initial warning. I know that my doc is being over cautious with me because I am of child bearing age she says. 

Anyhow, I am glad that Kelly, Jasmine, Deidre and Lovie have had lovely babies. BTW, congratulations to you Deidre for the graduation of your child!
I have already tried sulphasalazine and plaquenil in the past.  Sulpha did not work well for me and I started on plaquenil which kept me well for years.  My dr is proposing to put me on metho next.  I am presently on prednisone until my next appointment when we'll decide on metho or other treatment options.  My dr doesn't like me to take neither cortisone nor NSAIDs for the long-term, and prefers slow-acting drugs.  Lovie, you have mentioned other drug options for slowing the disease progression.  May I know what they are so that I can discuss these with my dr on the next appointment.  I haven't had major side effects with sulpha and plaquenil, and would prefer to take some drugs in the same category i.e. less "harmful".
I hope that you all keep well!
Best wishes, Lily.

That is true Buckeye: inflammation is the enemy for the joints.  And pain for our bodies!  I have had a lot of pain on the onset of the disease for about 4 years and little painful episodes over the last 5 yrs or so, but I have some noticeable joint damage to my hands.  At some point, my doctor had even considered joint fusion for my wrist, but again I am scared and not prepared for this.  The pain is occasional and manageable, and will wait until it really becomes unbearable.  I wear a splint at night.

True... visible inflammation or pain is not necessary to cause joint damage ... the disease takes its course uncontrollably sometimes.  I have little pain in my left wrist and more frequently swollen right wrist but the x-rays shows damage both.  Apparently, wearing splints (during rest time of course) alleviates pain and prevents further joint damage. 
Take care.
splints do not prevent damage.  they are used to rest a joint and to provide functional support.  In fact if used too much or incorrectly splints can cause damage and promote stiffness of the jointLily~ If it was me I'd go back on the plaquinel. If you only stopped it because of the fear of eye problems I wouldn't let that stop me. The risk are small and if you see an eye doctor every 6 months he'll catch any problems in time to reverse them.
I would go ahead and start the mtx. When you do decide to become pregnant-you need to have this disease in control as much as possible. I started taking mtx at 19. Stopped when I was 27 to become pregnant, and now I have a healthy 4 yr. old. I was told to be off it for 3 months but I think we waited 4 since we were paranoid. Anyway, you need to throw everything you can at the RA. Most people go into remission when pregnant but then it rears its ugly head a few months after giving birth.The pain v. inflammation conversation is interesting to me, becuase (on this board) I feel almost guilty for how little pain I am in--the NSAIDs are amazing for me for reducing pain (pray to god this continues).  However, I still have tons of inflammation, so I am on MTX, even though I am going to work every day, seem normal, etc....LilyL: I am going through the same thing you are right now. I'm 33, wanting to have one more child. I am on Plaquenil and Celebrex. My RD wants me to start Methotrexate along with all of this. I have gone back and forth weighing the good and bad...Where i stand now I think is the thought of me not being able to care for my baby like I should because I could possible not go into remission, or it hitting me hard after I deliver really makes me think it's better to take care of myself and try adopting instead. There are many children out there that need homes and my husband was adopted so we may go that route.  

My doctor told me exactly what everyone else on here is saying. If I want to be come pregnant, i'd have to get off methotrexate 3 months prior.  I have heard Plaquenil is one of the safest DMRD's to have except for the eye danger, But as someone else said, you have routine eye exams every 6 months and they will catch anything that could happen. I for one am scared to try methotrexate because of the pneumonia thing and all the other horrible things that "could" happen. I did try it once and felt so awful the next few days I paniced and thought something was wrong. The doctor told me to stop it for now.

Thank you for writing to me Klynn141.

I indeed used to do an eye exam every 6 months, and have been advised lately to dicsontinue Plaquenil because it's starting to affect my eyes.  I think I will simply trust my doc and do what he says.  After all, adoption is indeed a possibility as you say.

I wish you the best in your desire to have another child.  I know it's a very personal decision...  Wish you well!
