Inflammation - You Know When.... | Arthritis Information


You know you have a lot of inflammation going on when you take 20mg of prednisone and your pants are looser in the bootay area! Heheheheee!

No, really! I can feel the outside of my hip bone and my bootay does not look as BIG and my pants are looser in that area. Yep... yep... yep! I just thought I would share it with ya'll.
Hi Joonie, well done, my hip bone is a thing of the past, lol, my pants are only loose because they are stretching!  Keep up the happy moments, love Janie.  Bootay area   The prednisone cause my bootay area to expand! Good thing my hubby likes big butts and he cannot lie!Oh for Pete's sake.  All this time I thought I needed liposuction when all I really needed was pred.  No, wait.  That makes me eat like a pig and then my butt gets even bigger.  No way around it.  Lucky for me, my DH likes "womanly" butts too!  Joonie,
Prednisone always made me lose weight.  When I was taking it all the time, I dropped 20 pounds.  I can't believe I managed to keep it off. 
kweenb- I am so jealous! Wish it did that for me! I lost 18lbs. from the RA in the beginning. It ate me up alive. I was eating whatever I wanted, having milkshakes and still dropping pounds. It was scary. Then when I got better I gained it all back and then some. I tell myself it's better to be healthy but boy I enjoyed all that eating!