fall | Arthritis Information


goodmorning everyone!

Well I need advice yesterday I tripped over the dogs bed and fell. Went down on my right knee and hit the tv and table it sits on Well surprisingly my knee is fine but my whole body aches and especially my left hand.I guess I tried to catch myself and did something to my hand.  My little finger and the part of my hand at the bottom of  my thumb but  closer to the wrist hurts bad and is swollen? If it is fractured will it hurt not to go to  doc? Its saturday so my regular doc is closed. And am afraid they will put in cast and I do everything with my left hand even though I am right handed. Would appreciate any advice      Thanks
hi doobgirl sorry to see you have fallen .. you may have done some damage
best advice . go to er and get xrays taken to be onthe safer side..
I agree with Boney. Hope you feel better soon!Ow, ow, ow!!  Go to the ER, just to be safe.  Hope it turns out to be just a nasty sprain, but you need to be sure.  Hi Laura, at the very least you need to do the "RICE" management, Rest, Ice Compression, elevation, and I think it will become apparent pretty soon if you have broken it, hopefully its soft tissue injury which should heal quicker, best of luck, I hope you are not in too much pain, hugs Janie. Dobb - you rest up and take care.  I think we have an epidemic of posters in here falling.  I thought I was on the last step of our steps but wasn't and landed hard on left foot.  Is there a vaccine to prevent falling ?  ok i need a double shot because have tripped 2 more times since then lolI think you should go to the ER for an x-ray too.Hi Doobs, I, too think you should go get checked, at least. You really never know how badly you are hurt, without some tests.
When I had my fall, I thought I had fractured my face, but broke my pelvis instead. The reason I went to ER is because 2 of my doctors had previously said that the next time I fell, I had to go get checked.
It won't hurt to get checked out, at the very least. Please go! And let us know how you are doing!
I hope everything turns out to be okay. Take care. (and maybe move the doggies' bed)
Gentle hugs, Nini
Sorry to hear you fell. I hate it when I stumble and almost fall, and occassionally fall.
word of advice, from my own experience, if you have a BIG BAD bruise... go get it checked out. I broke my elbow when I fell, and did not think it was broke because it did not hurt. I let it go a few weeks before going to the Dr to get it checked out. I ended up having to have next day surgery for a rod, screws and wires to fix what I broke.

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