knock kneed | Arthritis Information


hi all i have knees that are gone inwards... to give arough idea
when standing up .. my feet need to be at 10 to 2 clock position
to make my knees point straight ahead. i do not walk like this.
but walk whith knees going in.. knee surgeon says i have erosion
of the knees but not causing this.. he says joint space in the knees
is filled whith fluid and pushing knees inward..he says it is down to
my ra treatment. i asked for something to push knees straight but
he says my knees would need to be broken.. Boney, I can't remember if you posted it before, so let's just say you didn't.

I actually am slightly bow-legged.  I didn't even know it until a surgeon I consulted for my cervical spine told me so a few years back.  This was before my RA onset, so I'm pretty sure mine's just congenital, and apparently RA tends toward knock knees anyway.  However, it concerns me that it might be affecting my gait and therefore my SI joints (which are very painful) and my knees themselves (which are in terrible pain right now, and particularly get worse when they are twisted in any way, like when I'm turning).
It sounds like yours are in terrible shape and I would hope they could do something.  But from what little I just read on the web, it sounds like past childhood there isn't really anything that can be done, and even the surgeries tend to be cosmetic. 
Maybe if your RA treatment helps your knees would improve?  Are they painful?  That may be a silly question, but I know some people have said once the erosion has happened the pain isn't bad anymore.  Anyway, sorry you're having to deal with this.
Hummm... nope do not remember reading about this. And nope I do not have that.
I do have my right knee... the knee cap is pushed down... I guess from no cartliage in that knee.
I am sorry to hear that about your knees. Is it painful to walk with them like that?
Hi guys  whith all the meds i have been on knees have got no better
because the knees are inward it puts pressure on my ankles and hips.
pain wise my hips are the worst. i am carefull not to put a lot of pressure
on the knees and ankles .. 

Boney    foregot to say ..innerglow  regarding erosions i have little inflamation
nowadays and pred is keeping me stable . but most pain is from the joint
damage .. little knocks or a wrong twist or turn can be severe pain..

Boney  is replacement of the knees an option.  replacing them will repair the knock knee problemhi Buckeye surgeon says the xrays show mild erosions and
the fluid in the  joint spaces is what is pushing the knees inward
he has left it to the rheumatologist..  i thought maybe they would drain
the fluid off. allthough my knees are not swollen whith fluid..
i think the replacements are last resorts.


Hi Boney - I have this problem too, which I was born with but RA is making the problem worse. Because I have over pronation it has caused bad inflamation of my hip joints due to incorrect rotation of the hip ball joint. My Rheumy referred me to an Orthotist who fitted me with Orthotic inner soles which I put in my shoes. These help to compensate for the mis-alignment. I have had them for 2 months now and i'm already seeing an improvement. I have it too!! Much worse in my right knee... the one that had JRA... and surgery  .. Go figure.
I have knocked KneeS now... both are doing it... and yeah my hips and spine are all out of whack!!
I had orthodics way way back and they actually caused me pain.. in my ankles and my knees!!  needless to say... I don't have them any more  :(
