Bath | Arthritis Information


I took a bath in my dirty tub.  Put some jazzy blues on.  My dog got out of all his toys, kept bringing in children's bath tub toy I bought him. (how did he know?)    He would throw bath tub toy in tub and then when I would not play fetch with him, he would put his nose and paws in water and get the toy himself.  He did this the entire time I was in the tub.  Sounds pretty bad huh but you know what - it did relax me and soothe my hips Hey Roxy, You do smell better!! LOL
I have been lurking and reading all of your posts and from what I can gather, you are having one hellava time with this disease.  I agree that it is no picnic, but it sounds like you are very lonesome.  If you have neighbors and they have a daughter, hire her to clean your house for you, walk your dog and besides that, she would be company for a little while.  Just a suggestion Roxy.  It's surprising how a clean house can lift your spirits.  And your dog would be happy too.  Cleaning a house is the pits, but someone has to do it Roxy.
By the way, you and your hubby are adorable!  A match made in heaven.
Hope you do not consider this preaching Roxy.  I am just making a suggestion.
Hang in there girl...It will get better in time.
Luv, Sophie

Which dog was fetching the toys?I bet that was fun.I am so glad it helped your hips.And I am sure your tub was not that dirty.Dogs are so sweet and so much fun.i know my pets always ,well mostly,make me feel good.They do the cuttest things.

Enjoy the rest of your day smelling fresh and clean.


Your pets are awesome Roxy. What a sweet dog. I saw your cats on the other board too. Sooo cute. I only have one cat right now but I am seriously thinking of getting a friend for Kelly. When times are really tough my cats have always made me laugh. They are such a treasure. I sure hope you get some relief soon. Don't you just hate that kind of  pain?

Yay!! for the bath! You're a brave girl Roxy....LOL

On a more serious note, I'm so glad you did that for yourself!




Sophie and all,  Thanks you guys.  I am going to try to take more baths.  You are right Sophie.  Very lonesome but I have thought of hiring someone to walk my dog and clean my house.  I can afford it - problem is - I just don't feel like doing business right now.  No neighbor that can help and it is hard for me to trust strangers.  I just have to hang tight.  I do what needs to be done.  It is only me to clean up after.  My biggest challenge is taking the dogs out.  It used to always be at least once a day.  It has been two days now.  Poor Tyler boy is just going bonkers.  Gave him a bone for a little peace and I am going to try to go do the shuffle while they run later on.  It may be good for me.  Surprisingly, I think for this pain, the Ultram has it down to a dull roar.  Taking my time, one hour at a time.  My hubby is wonderful Sophie but he is not coming down this weekend so I am pouting

Another thing: Add bubbles to the bath!! (That way you won't notice how dirty it is Bubble baths are great! So many times when I felt bad my husband would clean then run a hot bath for me with bubbles....then I got the hot tub and 2 days ago was the first time I used the bath tub since March.
I'm a believer that hot water (hot tub, bath and shower) take away the little ouches of RA so you can deal with the bigger ones. Baths have always been great for me.
Murphette38605.6896527778It's another hot summer day in Phoenix. It sounds nuts to all my non-RA friends especially those who are also 'red hats' but I just love to soak in a really hot bath even on 110 degree days. The ache stops for a little while and I limber up Marian, I do too! People think I'm nuts when it's a heat index of 106  outside and I'm sitting there  in a hot tub that is 103 degrees...I guess they'd have to have RA to understand