finger tips dented | Arthritis Information


hi all i got  up this  morning and the tip of my thumb felt
a little strange so i squeezed it. as i let go i see a dent in my skin
so i pushed my skin and the dent went deeper ..this is the same
on all my finger tips but more so the thumbs.. kind of like fluid in the tips
anyone else got this.. HI Boney, no I don't have those, but you know what, it could be from squeezing those spots! Boney..sounds like you have edema (accumulartion of fluid) in your hands.  oh heck, Boney...  Quit playing like that!    You get me squeezing my fingers til they hurt!Well I don't have that but I have been noticing that I have a dent that is purplish on the first joint (top) of my right index finger when I wake up sometimes. Not always but frequent. I thought it must be my ring jabbing me all night but now I have not been wearing rings for a few weeks because my hands are swelled.


When I have a flare up, my hands often swell pretty badly. When they do swell, I get this same thing, where I can squeeze each side of any of my fingers and they will leave an indentation on each side of my finger. It's not on the palm side as you've described yours as. Does anybody else get this with hand swelling?

Ta2d2008-05-19 14:30:39When I went to second opinion rheum they checked for "finger tip pitting" which would have meant something.  Not sure what b/c I didn't have it... [QUOTE=KatieG]When I went to second opinion rheum they checked for "finger tip pitting" which would have meant something.  Not sure what b/c I didn't have it...[/QUOTE]

I think with psoriatic arthritis, your fingernails pit?  Anybody heard that, or am I confused again...
That may be what I'm thinking of.  And I think there is pitting of some kind with scleroderma?  Maybe fingernails too.  hi guys thanks for the replies ..i think Buckeye may be right
edema .. i have little swelling on my fingers..this is palm side
finger tips..i have looked at edema and see itis connected
whith high bp and kidneys and aceinhibitors..i see gp thursday.

Hi Boney - I get this too when my hands and fingertips swell - my fingertips get swollen from the RA and will push in like that, and then when the swelling goes down I have wrinkly fingers as if I'd been in water - it's a lovely look to have with knobby knuckles!   Hope your gp has something else to offer. hey gimpygramma i have crinkly fingers to. thought it was just me..
hope it doesnt affect the whole body.. If it affects the whole body all bets are off - my butt is getting so big I can't imagine what would happen if it got all crinkly too!!!