An In-Depth Topic Review of Rheumatoid Arthritis | Arthritis Information


Good information from the Hospital for Specialty Surgery concerning the treatment of RA.

From the article:

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, inflammatory disease in which joint disease is center-stage with a background of constitutional and internal manifestations.

Systemic means that many parts of the body can be involved. Inflammatory means that the patient presents with redness, warmth, swelling and functional limitation in the joints. Internally, this means that the immune and inflammatory systems of the body are activated and involving the tissues. Such involvement can lead to joint damage, a major focus of the newer therapies for RA. The inflammation also demonstrates itself by the presence of fatigue and weight loss.

We now know a great deal about what causes RA and how to control it. While we cannot cure it at present, joint damage can now be prevented. The early institution of medications is mandatory in order to avoid joint erosions and limitation in function. The rate at which new advances in care are occurring in RA is mind-boggling!