Arthritis Information -Throat Problems with RA?


Hello Kelly, Welcome here! I have had Ra for about 11 years

and have not had a throat problem.But everyone is different
with some of the things that happen to them with Ra.
If I remeber correctly my mother who had severe Ra had a throat
problem and her Rd told her that Ra was in her vocal cords.
You should get it checked out maybe with your Gp and get a
throat culture done.  All the luck to you!
Thank you Maimi
I'm new to this site but really need to connect with others going through RA like I am.  Briefly, I found out I have RA 4 months ago, have been put on Plaquenil, Celebrex, Vitamin D and wants to try me on Methotroxate. He says I have a moderate to severe form of RA. I have nodules or lumps already on one knuckle, wrist and behind my heals.  My question to anyone that may know or has seen a doctor about this is, Has anyone had Throat problems with RA? My doctor has told me twice now my painful throat he thinks doesnt have to do with ra. I had a strep test done wich was negative. I get a soar throat that moves from side to side. Then during the day all of the sudden I get these stabbing sharp pains in my throat that radiate into my ears when I swollow or move my lips to talk. This lasts for part of the day, then fades away slowly. It scares the pants off me when it happens and am scared i wont be able to breath or something. I have read a few people commenting on throat issues, but never found out the answers from a doctor. It happened once one month ago, and about a month later happened again, but it had switched sides.
Thanks for any advice!
