Boney | Arthritis Information


Clean out your inbox!... Just Kidding!!
I hear you are now... Swelled Boney.... sounds like you been dipping into the Viagra again Boney - Do you recall the ad, you know, the 4 hour "problem", head for the ER, fast!

Look! It's Weasel!!! How are you doing weasel?
I am sure it is, Boney.
You know Elvis Presley would be the King of Viagra if he was still alive! Heck... they would probably use his Viagra usage as a case study! Heheheheeee!!
gees i missed the ad weasel..  i wonder what will happen to my thumb   Boney is now the RA'er Elvis Impersonator Aw, I'm sorry I got you All Shook Up -  What's going on Boney, Are you Lonesome Tonight?lol stick whith me hill honey .you will never walk alone.. You just be careful with that Viagra ol' boy - That Burning Love that results just may get you into Trouble, and then you'll be doing the Jailhouse Rock!