improvement | Arthritis Information


I took my dogs for a walk.  It was not long distance but long in time as I am shuffling.  I really look like hell but I said screw it, no energy to try to look healthy.  It turned out to be a great walk.  Tyler ran the entire time, oh except when I threw a stick in the creek and the weather is actually pleasant.  It was good for me.  I saw a Red Tail Hawk scoop a squirrel out of a tree almost directly in front of me.  It was amazing to watch.  I was just glad his mouth was full because my little Chico dog is not much bigger than a squirrel.  I can always rely on nature to cheer me up.  I hope to go for a shuffle every day until the big Enbrel day.  I picked me up a fast food hamburger, which I never eat fast food but now I don't have to worry about dinner.  I am just missing my old life so.  It amazes me how much life can change.  Appreciate every good day you have
