RA involving the throat anyone? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this site but really need to connect with others going through RA like I am.  Briefly, I found out I have RA 4 months ago, have been put on Plaquenil and Celebrex.   My question to anyone that may know: Has anyone had Throat problems with RA? My doctor has told me twice now my painful throat he thinks doesnt have to do with ra. I had a strep test done when I was having these pains, which was negative. I get a soar throat that moves from side to side. Then during the day all of the sudden I get these stabbing sharp pains in my throat that radiate into my ears when I swollow or move my lips to talk. This lasts for part of the day, then fades away slowly. It scares the pants off me when it happens and am scared i wont be able to breath or something. I have read a few people commenting on throat issues, but never found out the answers from a doctor. It happened once one month ago, and about a month later happened again, but it had switched sides.
Thanks for any advice!
hi klynn i have had throat probs but not how you explain ..
i have troubles swallowing . something to do whith throat muscles..
if my throat hurts asyou say it has been infections..

Kelly...that exact thing happens to me.  I've mentioned it to my RD and he's never seemed particularly interested in it. But I am totally convinced it's part of the RA.  It only happens when I have a pretty widespread flare.  Which is rare these days.  It really hurst alot, doesn't it?Tammi Schlothauer (or something like that) in Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis talks about ear, nose and throat problems.   Book is listed on AI info.
I'm really glad to find someone that has these same symptoms! I feel like my RD thinks I'm making things up and feel silly bringing it up to him again and again. It does really hurt. I've had a little anxiety along with it so I panic a little when I feel it come on thinking , "is my throat going to close up? will I be able to breathe?" LOL Thank you for sharing   If you happen to hear anything new on it, would you mind passing it along to me? I have difficulty swallowing at times, but there has been some improvement since I've been on meds, so that makes me think it's related to the disease process.  If yours is related to your RA, you may also find that this problem will improve once your meds have kicked in. 
Your comment about panic really rings true.  Sometimes I used to choke on food and panic would make my throat close and I thought for sure I would die.  I've sort of trained myself to stay calm so that I'll have an easier time breathing.  I once asked the ENT doctor about this, before I had a DX and asked what would happen if I actually passed out.  He said I would start breathing then because my panic would no longer be constricting my throat muscles.  So my comment to you is, try to remain calm because panic will only make your problem worse.  I've also noticed that stress really exacerbates the throat problem and I'd be willing to bet the same is true of you. 
And welcome to the boards.  You'll find many ways to connect with others who have similar problems.  You're in good company here.
throat involvement in RA does occur but it is one of the rarer manisfestations of the disease and does not often occur in early disease process.  Rule out more common throat issues such as sinus and thyroid issues before considering RA. 

Thank you everyone, I really do appreciate it! I'm so glad to have found this forum. It's hard for my family to relate to what's happening to me and feel like I'm always complaining to them about something else that's hurting.

Jess 88: I'm sorry you're having those panic attacks too. I can totally relate!! I've thought to myself, I'd rather have a different part of my body attacked by RA instead of my throat or lungs worrying I'll not be able to breathe. I have started Lexapro hoping that will help with some of my anxiety. 

I've not had pain as you describe... but early, before diagnosis, when the neuro was putting me through my paces (they thought MS) I was having MRI's and when I laid in the tunnel (and I was not panicked at all) I felt like there was something laying on the top of my throat.. it was difficult to swallow.  Later, I found I was in a huge flare, but that is the only times I can recall that feeling.
Welcome, Kelly..  There's loads of knowledge here...  jump in. Hi, all. I recently saw an ENT for a cough, and tight feeling in my throat. It's not a chest problem, as every doctor I see has listened to my chest and declares it to be "clear". Swallowing has gotten more difficult, as I must drink a bit with every bite. I have chalked this up to problems with my Sjogren's. I don't know if a "Sjogren's flare" is possible, but it does seem to be worse over the past few months.
One thing the ENT told me, that I was completely unaware of is that RA can attack the vocal cords! As my vocal cords are already very dried out from the Sjogrens, this possibilty is very frightening to me.l However he said that he doesn;t really think that it has hurt my vocal cords.
I do agree with you, Klynn and Jesse, that it is probably RA related and that it most certainly can cause anxiety or panic attacks. There's nothing more frightening than feeling that your breath has been cut off.
I hope we all manage to find an answer to these episodes! Welcome, Klynn, I hope you find the board helpful. I'm sure you will find many new friends who are dealing with a lot of the same things you are going through.
Gentle hugs, Nini
I have  always had trouble swallowing and choke quite often. Maybe it is a part of RA? I  have always thought so. I was a sick child with allergies alllll the time and plenty of ear infections and still get the ear infections, just battled one last month.
My ears are always hurting and my throat, not so much hurts but food always gets stuck ect...it is easier for me to drink....I drink a LOT OF MILK! 
Maybe THERE IS a connection.
Glad you brought it up.
jodejjr2008-05-20 17:55:48I don't have trouble swallowing at all, or any trouble with choking.  I just have a REALLY bad sore throat on one side that seems to come and go out of nowhere.  But only if I'm having a wide spread flare.I get the trouble swallowing I will have food in throat and it seals right off and all I can do is sit calmly and allow it to open back up which does happen within second but it seems like eternity.   Dr says that at this point there isn't much we can do aboutit and it even happens at times when I am drinking my fluids  too so I can win either way.Mine is like Jode, I choke on my own saliva! I can't eat without drinking, especially any meats or bread products. Most veggies will slide down okay.
I also have the feeling like their is a golf ball stuck in my throat..basically behind the larnyx.
YUP..they all think I'm nuts, but the new meds have helped tremendously!

I am in the middle of a major flare right now and have been getting sore throats and then eventually it turns into a stiff neck. I have had sore throats whenever I flare and have had it effect my vocal chords too.I lost my voice for 6 weeks once and 2 weeks another time. Both times, after a million tests,they felt it was from my RA. So from my experience it does cause sore throats and yes it can effect the vocal chords. I havent had the feeling in my chest though. Hi Everyone,
WOW!  I am amazed how many people are having the same symptoms I have had. I do believe it has to do with RA the more I read all of your stories! It sounds very scary for some of you, but I know if you all are getting through it ok, then I will too. It's great to have the support and to read the different stories so I know I'm not alone and not imagining things!
Thanks again to all of you!

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Oh I did an dit describes all this to a "T". THanks Katalina!i completely agree with all of the above.   i started having hearing problems on my left side about 4 years ago.   ringing ears at first anyway after about 5 drs and my eye on the left side starting to go blind finally they said it was the ra.  i no longer can hear in my left ear.  i knew the whole time.   i had surgeries and tubes blah blah blah   my throat sometimes gets real tight this is fairly new for me.   my teeth hurt too sometimes....   and i definitely have anxiety attacks!

Oh me too! Ears hurt most of the time and teeth as well. I have trouble with my right eye and at times my  left. Right now i have a red spot on my eye and it hurts so bad.....I have no idea what it is from, I woke up yesterday, my right eye hurt really, really bad and I found a red spot on it.

Well at the very least we are finding commonality here and learning that this ol' RA causes a bit more probs than what we thought, simply by asking and sharing stories.



Wonderwoman:  I am so sorry this is all happening to you!  I can't believe one of your eyes was actually going blind? You hang in there!  I agree with Jodejjr , I am glad to hear these stories and understand we are all going through more than just what the "usual symptoms" are "supposed" to be with RA.  It's so frustrating to hear the doctor tell you the new symptoms you're feeling doesnt sound like it's related to RA and to sgo ee your GP ...when you know darn well it does! 
Thank you for sharing guys!

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