ugly swelling | Arthritis Information


I'm off the prednisone and every day i get worse and worse.  Right now i have these growths on my ra finger.  There are like 4 ugly squishy lumps on it now and it hurts along with all other RA spots, meds aren't working.

I want to cry.  I wish i could see my rhummy, haven't seen her since last september.
Wow- why so long? I see mine every month.september????  my gosh bubba i see mine all the time.  not that it helps.  ha ha   i think i have seen him at least 6 or more times since february but then i am not quite right here lately. ha ha   wonderwomanI am sorry, bubbagump. Might be time to make an appt to see your RD again?
Well... I know how much the pred helps, but it is better to be off of it. I wish I was off the ole pred, but I have been on it for so long... that I just cannot stop taking it. I think my next RD visit RD is suppose to start weaning me off.
much huggs
My doctors office is open monday and friday till 5pm, tuesday and thursday till 1:30 pm and closed wed, sat and sun.
She works at two hospitals as well, so she only gets to see her patients as often as i have seen her.
She has a nurse named Connie that i talk to when i need to talk to someone, connie relays messages to the doctor and the doctor tells her what to do.
I go in every month for blood tests but only see the blood test lady.
The next doctor is over 2hrs away.
I have been there! I haven't seen a doc to treat me since last april (a year ago) I go in on the 30th! Need someone to treat me. My right hand is about three times as big as my left! its gross. I understand! I feel like a hippo I am so huge! Good luck!Thanks ducky.
It gets very frustrating.  I have swollen muscles from head to toe and i mean ALL of them.  She (rhummy) tells me "i just don't know what could cause such a thing" and left it at that and didn't do anything about it.  I read about mytosis from someone's advice in the forum here and wondered why she doesn't know about it.
I had seen her the first year quite a few times because meds didn't work (just like arava isn't working on me this time) and she decided to stop treating me, they told me that she didn't know what else to do, so i said to give me this or that and try this etc.
What kind of a doctor acts like this?  I am only on drugs cuz I said to give them to me.
I am calling her and telling her to give me back my prednisone since it is the only drug she can find to work on me.
I will worry about the bone problems when they come and they have drugs to fix those bone problems, so i am not too worried.
Just drives me nuts cuz i hurt so horribly.
i am sorry bubba hope you get better soon.  wonderwomanbubba.. I'm so sorry you're having so much discomfort.. and that the only RD is 2 hours away!  That really is bad.
I hope they find somethign that you can take    ..... gentleYou have a right to be frustrated.  Maybe you should make an appointment with that other Rd.  I know that it is far away but at least see if that dr. would have a different treatment plan.  There are great RDs and rotten RDs.  Sounds like you have the rotten one now.  There are so many options out there for treating this disease. 
I live in the biggest town for quite a while.  There are regularly people at my infusions that have driven 3 hrs. to get there.  I feel for them but they love my Rd.  He is rated on of the top in the state and is huge in the research circles.
I hope you feel better.  Please don't settle for a dr. who isn't going to be aggressive.  You deserve to feel as good as possible.
[QUOTE=rocckyd]You have a right to be frustrated.  Maybe you should make an appointment with that other Rd.  I know that it is far away but at least see if that dr. would have a different treatment plan.  There are great RDs and rotten RDs.  Sounds like you have the rotten one now.  There are so many options out there for treating this disease. 
I live in the biggest town for quite a while.  There are regularly people at my infusions that have driven 3 hrs. to get there.  I feel for them but they love my Rd.  He is rated on of the top in the state and is huge in the research circles.
I hope you feel better.  Please don't settle for a dr. who isn't going to be aggressive.  You deserve to feel as good as possible.
This is exactly what my suggestion would be also!  For proper treatment, I would drive a thousand miles every three months if necessary.  RA is not a disease to treat passively. 
If it is at all possible....I would make an appt with another RD...just to get another opinion as to your best method of care...  Please consider it.  I wish you well, my friend.
It's not that i don't want to drive that far.  I can only go about 30min in a car without horrible pain, and i mean horrible pain in my legs and lower back and shoulders.Wow hon I hope you can get some relief. I understand, I have never been like this until lately, but if I set for 20min all the stiffness and pain comes back, you know like when you just wake up in the morning. Driving has been bad, I have to constantly move or else I freeze and hurt horrible. I really don't like docs. Feel better!I know that a long car ride is painful, but I'd drive a long way to see a good rheumy.  When I didn't have a car that had a heated seat, I bought one of the portable ones and used that.  When heat wasn't working like Ice was, I used a cooler with lots of frozen ice packs.  I also play relaxing background music and get out of the car every 20 min to stretch, even if it's to walk around the car a few times or run into a 7eleven to get a quick drink.  A couple of days of pain from a car beats not being treated.